Paris Deserves Jail Time
D Legaspi 0

Paris Deserves Jail Time

92 signers. Add your name now!
D Legaspi 0 Comments
92 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer and The City/County of Los Angeles, We, the community at large have discovered a petition to "Free Paris", we feel that just because she is a "celebrity" that she should NOT be given special treament. So we make an appeal to Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer and The City/County of Los Angeles on behalf of the community at large, to make sure she recieves the 45 days in county jail she deserves. Any other action would send a TERRIBLE message to America's youth. That if you are a celebrity or have money you can get away with a crime. Do the right thing! Send Paris to jail! One Million signatures needed by June 5, 2007.

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