Parents for Youth Sports
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Parents for Youth Sports

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Parents for Youth Sports

July 8, 2020

Petition for Immediate Re-Opening of Youth Sports Leagues in California

We, the Parents of California, in order to pursue a better state policy, establish grounds for the proper development and upbringing of our children, insure domestic tranquility, and provide for the common values, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Petition for the State of California to immediately re-open youth sports state-wide.

We are not ignorant of COVID-19. We are not in denial of its risks. We are not stupid and selfish persons who need to be lectured to by our political, academic and regulatory class. In fact, the opposite is true, and it is you – our leaders – who need to listen.

The following is who we are and what we believe:

  • We represent the Parents of California of all races and income levels, all political parties, religions, and ethnicities. We see how sports brings Californians of all backgrounds together, spreading unity, defeating ignorance, fighting racism, and building common bonds.
  • We are the Parents of children ages 0-17 who comprise roughly 23% of our state population. We are the 16 million mothers and fathers of approximately 9 million children. We are the ones raising the young boys and girls who will be our state’s future.
  • We understand that COVID-19 has had severe effects and caused death. But we also know that the disease has most predominantly impacted the population of persons who are older and/or have multiple co-morbidities. We know 84% of the deaths have occurred in individuals over 60 years of age, with 45% alone hitting those over 80 years of age. We understand that the risks to children are small, and the impact of a child contracting the disease and having severe negative effects is very low. We understand that, as of July 1, there are more deaths nationwide of persons in this age group from the flu than there have been from COVID-19.
  • We also anticipate that opponents to this Petition will cite the increase of positive tests and continue to claim the authority to restrict freedom in times of health crisis, as if positive tests alone are all the evidence needed to impose fairly authoritarian lockdowns. We understand that positive tests are reaching all-time highs. We understand that positive tests have skyrocketed since approximately Memorial Day. But as of July 7, according to the statistics from CDPH, we are very educated about the following statistics:
    1. Kids from 0-17 represent 23% of the population, but only 8% of positive COVID-19 cases.
    2. Despite almost 6,500 deaths state-wide, there have been 0 deaths in the 0-17 age range.
  • We also believe that other risks from COVID-19 shutdown policies are high. We believe that insufficient attention is being given to the unintended consequences of shutdowns and closures, which are more significant for kids in these ages of development than all others. The impact on mental health is substantial, and can last a lifetime. It can also end a life with heightened suicide risk. In addition, cases of domestic violence have increased substantially.
  • As a recent letter by over 100 specialists in psychology, mental health and neurosciences stated, "As experts working across disciplines, we are united as we urge [the government] to reconsider its decision and to release children and young people from lockdown. Allow them to play together and… enjoy extra-curricular activities including sport and music as normally, and as soon, as possible
  • We believe we can make educated decisions about the health and well-being of our children, and weigh the risks of COVID-19 against the risks of these other harmful impacts. We understand some Parents will want to keep their kids at home, and that is their decision. We understand some Parents will worry about the risk of transmission to themselves or to other, at-risk family members, and that is also their decision. But we believe that Parents should have those choices, be able to sign applicable waivers, and allow their children to participate in organized sports.
  • We believe that the value of sports is incredibly high, and we know it is often undervalued as unessential and frivolous by too many people – especially those who never participated or do not have children. Those people are wrong. Our children need youth sports. Our society needs youth sports. Our state needs youth sports.

We, the Parents, affix our signatures to this Petition to demonstrate our unity for this cause.

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