Rene Hoy 0

Parents Advocating for Student Safety

51 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Rene Hoy 0 Comments
51 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Currently the State of Pennsylvania does not have a law to regulate the age at which a student can be discharged at the bus stop by the bus driver. According to the Department of Education Pupil Transportation Division, each school district makes their own policy.

Pine-Richland School District's current policy states: "The bus driver is not permitted to discharge kindergarten student unless an adult is at the stop to receive the student." Given the dangers our children face today, we believe it is dangerous to discharge students who are in K-3rd grade at a bus stop without an adult present. Parents can be arrested for child endangerment and child abandonment if they leave children in K-3rd grade home by themselves. Why should the bus stop be any different?

In our home we have doors, windows and walls to protect our children. At the bus stop our children have to face crossing busy streets and intersections, speeding cars and possibly strangers.

Parents of the lower elementary students are now waiting at the bus stop up to 20 and 30 min because we don't want our children discharged without an adult or authorized representative present. Action by the PRSD Board and our state elected officials can minimize this problem and help by taking preventative measures to ensure the safety of our children right now. A child should not have to be injured, abducted or lose their life before action is taken.

This petition is to ask the school board to consider a motion to change the district policy of discharging students without an adult or authorized representative present from just Kindergarten to Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Ultimately a law needs to be enacted by the state of Pennsylvania, but that takes time and action in the State Legislature. This action by the PRSD Board would help solve the problem of our children being placed in unnecessary danger when the buses discharge elementary students in K-3rd grade without an adult or authorized representative present.

Please help us by signing this petition if you agree and would like to see change. Please contact me if you would like further information.

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