Palm Lake ES Renovation
We consider the extreme cuts to the capital budgets of Palm Lake Elementary and the other remaining modular schools to be contrary to the intent and scope of the 2002 Sales Tax Referendum. At that time, the Orange County taxpayers voted for, and approved, a referendum with an attachment that called for a comprehensive redevelopment of the Palm Lake Campus with a budget of over $21 million. Since then, our budget has been cut to just under $5 million. We are asking that the School Board reallocate to Palm Lake Elementary School funds as promised in the 2002 sales tax referendum. Specific needs of the school structure are: 1) Replace end-of-life-cycle Modular classrooms with traditional brick and mortar structures. 2) Eliminate the multiple access points that provide open access to each classroom. 3) Renovate core buildings to bring them up to prototype standard. 4) Correct traffic flow issues that affect child safety at drop off. Any renovation plans that fall short of achieving these goals are unacceptable to the taxpayers and voters of Orange County. KEEP YOUR PROMISE, School Board, and give our schools the renovation they need for a safe and healthy classroom environment.