Pakistan Needs Our Help, through various ways. We want CHANGE.
Amina Rafiq 0

Pakistan Needs Our Help, through various ways. We want CHANGE.

309 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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309 people have signed. Add your voice!
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As many of you know, on the 16th of August 2010, the brutal massacre of two innocent teenage boys named Moiz Butt & Muneeb had taken place in Sialkot - an Eastern Punjab Province in Pakistan. The execution of the boys was carried out by a ruthless mob of local villagers, who were surrounded by a crowd of silent spectators, as well as an active police presence in the crowd indicating their approval to allow them to continue beating the boys in broad daylight. This scandalous act was brought to media attention by video footage which was aired online. This caused a massive uproar by thousands of angry & upset people. The video included boys being severely stricken by wooden poles, pipes, batons, stones, men kicking & punching. On top of that the boys had ropes tied around them whilst bleeding to death. It was alleged that the youngest brother had died during the beating, while the elder brother tried to carry on until his final breath. After this, their mutilated bodies were dragged across the ground, hooked to electricity poles where their bodies were hung upside down in a public square while local people & police watched without an ounce of shame!

It was reported that the vigilantes conducted this inhumane act for over 2 & a half hours. How can such a disgraceful act be executed? A tragic, barbaric & cruel incident took place & there was not even one person in that crowd that tried to intervene, where is the morality? Is there no sense of civility, fear of the Almighty & fear of the law? It is clear to say that the legal system within Pakistan is not implemented, with several corrupt politicians & a prime minister who doesn't care about anything but himself. He just wants to ensure his pockets are full & to remain in power as long as he can. We all know what sort of leader he is, letting his country come to ruins & allowing fellow Pakistani Muslim's to perform such cold-blooded acts. Isn't this country supposed to be an Islamic country, where there should be peace & harmony amongst people? Of course not, how can that be possible when we have people who act in manners that cannot even be described accurately. Not even animals treat their own like that. Where are the human right for the people of Pakistan?

However, in saying all that we cannot blame anyone but ourselves for the events that are occurring in Pakistan right now. We are to be blamed since we have generally accepted this kind of behaviour & allowed it to happen. Had we tried to stop this kind of mistreated, voiced out opinions, became more involved with Pakistan through various ways, we would not be witnessing such things now. I know it's easier said than done but actually think about it people!

I have to make a point to emphasise on the general hypocrisy that consumes us as a nation. All we are known for is point the finger at others & blame them for all the malicious deeds that develop. There is no exception here - the government, the legal system, the police, the mob observing this crude incident, they are the perpetrators. An immediate reaction to how we feel so outraged & disturbed by this monstrous attack. We leave our comments on blogs, join groups & do our prayers. We can sleep in peace now because we've done our part & proved that we are such good people by drawing attention to the wrong-doers but is this enough?

For me personally this isn't enough because no matter what these of acts are still going to be carried out but we have to take action now! A new legal system needs to be put into operation, which gives stability, protection, human rights & safety within their country. There should be pressure from the authorities to crack down on corruption & clean up the system in Pakistan so this kind of behaviour is not tolerated by the public or the police. Wouldn't you hate to think you couldn't walk down your own street just in case an angry mob of horrendous people start to attack & kill.There would be no chance of survival!

They claim they are a Muslim country with fellow Pakistan's who were fasting in the Holy Month of Ramadan. How can such ac act be favoured? As Muslims we should avoid committing sin, instead helping others, giving charity - especially within this religious month. According to Shariah Law, it is permissible to slay the murderer the same way he slew the victim(s), or punish the aggressor the same way he violated his victim. I think that's enough said really. Don't these men deserve some sort of punishment for making those boys endure such brutality? Clearly the policemen at the scene of the crime allowed for such activities to be carried out? Think for a minute, if those boys were you brothers, or you were a mother, a father would you not want justice to be served?

The harsh reality is that as human's we're all too lazy or caught up in materialistic things to even give a second thought about initiating some sort of plan.

We have to remember that Pakistan has also been hit by the most terrible floods in the region of 80 years & has killed at least 1,600 people & affected about 12 million others. Pakistan is facing a growing humanitarian crisis as worsening floods are affecting the country, even more people than the Tsunami & Haiti earthquake combined. It has affected over millions of children, who have also lost their homes & have no food or clean water, allowing them to be exposed to malnutrition & waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea & cholera which is spreading amongst the homeless. Food is scarce & water supplies have been contaminated. Every day the situation for children becomes increasingly critical & it has been so bad that even some towns have been washed away. Many other areas also remain inaccessible due to collapsed bridges & flooded roads.
There have been complaints from some survivors that the government response has been slow & insufficient. Several hundred people took part in a protest in the north-western city of Peshawar, where homeless survivors were crammed into temporary shelters. We shouldn't sit back & let these problems get worse.

Please be generous & donate all you can & help the country become better. So I ask you very compassionately, sign this petition in order for us to make a difference, so that it can be sent over to the larger authorities such as Amnesty International, High Commission of Pakistan & the Pakistani Embassy who we are hoping will help revolutionise.

Pakistan needs our help, thank you.

Amina Rafiq

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