Pailin Park Name Change in Cambodia Town

We, the citizens of the City of Lowell and/or park supporters, request the name change of one the most highly used parks in a prominent area of the city which is in the Cambodia Town District. We request the change of the park name from Roberto J Clemente Park located at 803 Middlesex Street to Pailin Park. We respect the history of the park, every person who has enjoyed the park, and all the efforts that has been taken to maintain the park to be what it is today, but we would like to officially change the park name to the nickname that many in the community has been calling it for decades: Pailin Park.
This petition will be submitted to the Lowell City Council as part of a motion to support the name change.
By signing this petition, you support the park name change from Roberto J Clemente Park to Pailin Park.