To stop all Paedophile's accesing the internet, and to remove them who are using it now.
Dawn Beale 0

To stop all Paedophile's accesing the internet, and to remove them who are using it now.

17 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dawn Beale 0 Comments
17 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Please sign this petition to keep our children safe from all Paedophile's who are accesing the internet and remove them now. We don't want our children having to suffer from these kind of people. Also i do think that all parents should be told were these people are living, instead of protecting them we have a right to know so we can keep our children safe.


More and more children are being subject to abuse not just on the internet but also in our comunities.


We are asking for tougher restrictions to be placed on all Paedophile's in our comunities, internet access & also in prison as we feel that they do not serve along enough sentence.


Many have lost there lifes with these people, and there familys continue to suffer by loosing a loved one.


Also children that have survived will always have the traumer for the rest of there lifes and there familys.


And the victim's are scarded for life.


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