Pacific U Shuttle Petition

It has come to our attention that Pacific University lacks a college campus shuttle for students to travel outside of Forest Grove without being limited to trips to the airport or Outback excursions. A shuttle would not only benefit students, but faculty and staff as well, especially with an issue of finding parking and rising parking costs. The shuttle would go from Forest Grove to Portland and make a stop in Hillsboro.
We would greatly appreciate it if you would show your support by signing this petition (First & Last name). Please use your Pacific email when signing. If you would like more information regarding the implementation of a Shuttle service or would like to join our Transportation Task Force, please feel free to send an email to: jone9105@pacificu.edu
Transportation Task Force: Adriana Jones, Celeste Goulding, Maria Gonzalez-Cress, Max Medrano, Chantelle Baclay, Patrick Ingmire