Better Health Care In Nova Scotia
I must move to Toronto to have a bi-lateral lung transplant or I will die. It will cost my family and myself as much as $40,000.00 for the move,rent,supplies,medications and other expenses indured for this medical procedure that is not available in Nova Scotia. My move could be anywhere from 8 mths -2 yrs. I am presently living off an income of a little over $1000.00 a month,I am unable to work because I have COPD,so my breathing is very difficult. My caregiver who must take a leave of abscence from his job because he must move up with me to take care of me will not be elgible for Unemployment Insurance because he will not be available for work and there is no Caregiver UIC available. Toronto General General Hospital is now awaiting my arrival but because I do not have the funding I cannot go as of yet,even though Doctors have given me 2 yrs without one and that was a year ago in March. Besides worrying about my lung disease and not getting sick while I await for my move,I must also worry about raising the $40,000.00. Nova Scotia government has to step-up and help more with expenses and aid for those of us who must move to save our lives. Treatment is not available here for me,my taxes go for MLA expenses and helping other countries,what about us Canadian citizens who need the help. We as Canadians should come 1st when it comes to aid.