Outdoor basketball court in calgary

Hello, I am trying to collect signatures for a new outdoor basketball court in Calgary that consists of two courts and is protected from the wind, as we are a windy city. There are many cities where sports are promoted and it is a shame that Calgary is not one of them, we are a very big city and also it is known that many people lack the daily recommended exercise that they should be getting. I believe that promoting more sports in this city will help change this over a period of time. The city of Calgary is lacking in the activities provided to its citizens including my focus, which is basketball. All of the existing courts are pretty much all run down, with broken and crooked rims, broken backboards, uneven pavement and the list goes on. I think a higher quality venue for this great sport would be a great way to attract youth and people of all ages and to promote more of a sports culture in a city that is not known for this. Thank you for reading this and I pray that everyone will support such a great cause.