Time is of the essence. Some of you may have already heard about the proposal by the Gwinnett county school system to redraw the district lines. If the proposal proceeds the way they currently have it we (district 12) will be put into the Camp Creek Elementary "zone." However, after attending a redistricting meeting last night, I've learned that Smoke Rise North is in great danger of being left out of District 12 so other districts can join/stay at Camp Creek. There is a natural boundary of Old Rosser Road that could divide district 12 up. In addition, Arcado Elementary will most likely become a "Title 1" school which will drive our property values down. (something to think about even if you don't have kids in the public school system) For those not aware of what Title 1 is, it's the nations largest federally funded program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high numbers of high percentages of children from low income families and "at risk" children, to help ensure all children meet state academic standards.
As a community we need to come together and sign this petition AND the school boundary input form to show our support for the proposed boundary lines to stay as drawn.
The deadline is this Friday 12/11. It can be found at http://publish.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/gcps/h...If you'd rather come by my house and sign a form, call or text me. I have a large stack of signed forms that I plan to mail in together (I was told this is helpful)
Ali King 404-643-4401 (I'm at work today until 2, free after that)”