Our KIDS to Grand Oaks HS
CISD is trying to keep our kids zoned to Oak Ridge High School even though they are building a school half the distance from our neighborhoods. While they are not considering moving some Woodlands kids to Oak Ridge, even though they are closer to Oak Ridge than we are. We must stop this, and ensure our neighborhoods are zoned to Grand Oaks High school.
Estates of Legends Ranch, Legends Ranch, and Legends Trace communities please help keep York united and see that all our children go to Grand Oaks High School.
Being zoned to Oak Ridge will have a negative impact on our community.
- Taking our kids away from their Rayford Road friends in other neighborhoods that get zoned to Grand Oaks.
- Unintended consequences of the emotional distress caused by splitting our kids from their life long classmates.
- Dividing York into different high schools could lead to a divided campus, with conflict and bullying.
- Longer commute. Oak Ridge is twice the distance from us compared to Grand Oaks.
- More time on a bus and less time for our kids to study and spend with family.
- Increased traffic on Rayford Road.
- Increased fuel cost for CISD transportation due to longer commutes, leading to tax increases.
- Safety of our children having to drive on Rayford Road, where frequent major accidents occur.
- Broken Promise‐ CISD sold us on their recent bond by promising a Rayford Road High school. They did not tell us that it was only for a small portion of Rayford Road. This is dishonest and disrespectful of the taxpayers.
- Decrease in property values compared to other neighborhoods around us.
How do we stop this from happening?
We need a very strong presence and voice at the Zoning committee meetings. This will show them that our neighborhoods will not standby and allow CISD to harm our children and our properties.
York Jr. High‐ November 28th at 7PM
Oak Ridge High School‐ November 30th at 7 PM
York Jr. High School‐ December 1st at 12 PM
Sign the Petition
Submit Feedback to the Committee
The committee is the group that will make the final recommendations to the CISD board members. It is imperative that you submit your concerns to this committee so their final recommendation is to zone our neighborhoods to Grand Oaks. When you submit feedback ensure that you state what neighborhood you live in.
Dr. Don Stockton– Superintendent
dostockton@conroeisd.net 936‐709‐7702
Dr. Chris Hines –Deputy Superintendent of Opera