OSC Board Nomination Process

Attention: The Chairperson of the OSC Board
Dear Aisha
We are writing to you to express our deep concern over the untimely resignation of Mr. Stephen Wilson from the Board, only a few days after the AGM, and the subsequent process whereby the Board will hand pick his successor rather than appoint an elected candidate.
We are aware that the school articles require that the Board selects Mr. Wilson's replacement among a pool of self-nominated candidates however this resignation within days of the AGM contradicts the spirit of the school articles if not their letter. The optics of such plan do not help build the parents' confidence in the school governance.
To allay such concerns, we would like to request that either the 4th ranking candidate at the last AGM board election be appointed to replace Mr. Wilson or that the Board calls an EGM to proceed with a fresh election.
We look forward to a favorable reply from you and the Board.