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original beyblade season 4

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We all love beyblade right? be it the new series or the original series. I would love to see a continuation of the original series. I realize i may be in some serious denial about it but here's the reasons i've come up with for there to be a 4th season...(just my opinion):

1.they'd make twice as much money the end of g-revolution they were using beyblades, make a new season still using the hard metal system, original metal beyblades and new metal beyblades get sold.
3.what happened to boris at the end of g-revolution?!? will he go back to russia and face the blitzkrieg boys?
4.what happened to voltaire at the end of the first season!!?? boris makes a return but what about the mastermind behind BIOVOLT, he's kai's grandfather there's plenty of kai but what about voltaire?
5.g-revolution ended in such a cliffhanger and led everyone to believe there'd be a 4th season. if they were going to end the series you'd think they'd have a more solid ending.
6.throughout all the 3 seasons kai has been desperately trying to beat tyson. at the end of their big battle in episode 30 of g-revolution they said they face each other again and kai said he'd win.
7.kai hated brooklyn because brooklyn stood in his way. other than tyson brooklyn was the only other beyblader who was able to defeat kai, kai did not like that. kai then got revenge and defeated brooklyn now he just needs to defeat tyson, his goal.
8.kai's a main character too,he should fulfill his goal. if they continued the series yes it would be very boring if tyson won again, making him the 4 year champ, however kai seriously has proven he is an awsome beyblader and tyson mentions kai is 100x better than he thought he was and didn't know if he'd be able to make the come-back that kai did.
9.everyone misses the old teams!
10.they can make this season longer!
11.they don't need to focus on the championships!
12.the beyblade movie was awsome and didn't focus on the championships! maybe they could make a new season and there's some common enemy they all have to fight (like how all the teams joined together to fight bega, everyone got to see their favorite characters as friends and it opened alot of comedy and overall cute moments)
13.keep alot of veiwers by making 2 or 3 episodes (at the most) focusing on one team. everyone gets to see there favorite characters in their everyday lives going to school, doing chores, whatever they do when they're not beyblading or training, then something happens in that area that's strange and all the teams get called together or contact each other because they experienced the same strange phenomenon or something.
14.stopping the old beyblade series and making a new one without any of the old characters, not even hinting to any of the old characters, and calling it beyblade is like calling digimon the new pokemon series. only thing relating the two are animal-like creatures with strange powers and in beyblade's case...spinning tops.
15.yes the manga ended already BUT they could remake the series more accurate to the manga OR they could just make a new season without manga reference since BEGA wasn't in the manga but was still pretty good.
16.the manga does feature some years later with the bladebreakers all grown up but come on! we're suppose to believe tyson won all the championships up until that point and now his son is going to win all the championships and we're just suppose to accept that?! we're suppose to accept that in all those years nothing of any significance happened with ANY of the characters until THAT point in time?!
17.they'd get a bigger audience. original fans and the new fans. maybe then original fans will be more willing to accept the new series and the new fans will watch the original series, who knows.
18.end the 4th season with a solid ending. giving everyone closure and not making it seem like they'll be another season. in other words, tie up all the loose ends! many people out there were honestly excited there'd be a 4th season? then we learn it's of something completely different. new characters. new story. new everything... why were we all waiting for the 4th season? because we were led to believe it!
20.keep the new series and bring back the old series and everyones happy. (maybe they could make the new season with darker themes seeing how all the original fans are around 18-20 by now)

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