Inclusion for ELSA Students

Elmhurst College is proud to have an organization on campus specifically for students with mild disabilities- Elmhurst Life Skills Academy (ELSA). ELSA students have participated in the past within the mainstream freshman orientation groups. This year we were informed that the ELSA students will not be included within these groups and will be in a parallel program separate from the general education population. While students will be able to participate in activities, they will be unable to be included with other incoming freshman groups. While we are aware that curriculum has changed, we still feel as though the ELSA students would be able to participate in orientation with adaptations and support, which are readily available due to volunteer efforts. We feel that orientation is a time for students to be immersed within the college community and feel it would be detrimental to all students to exclude members of the community. We are asking for your support in advocating for the rights of all students to participate within the freshman orientation experience.