Jimmy Jeggo 0

Australia Demands HD Satellite Premier League Football #optusno

Jimmy Jeggo 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Petition to highlight to the money grubbers at the Premier League and the novices over at Optus that we as Australian fans of the English Premier League demand to have access again to full HD satellite based games.

The provision of the EPL via INTERNET only tv, websites and apps is NOT a sustainable option in a country so lacking in the fundamental infrastructure required to deliver an outstanding product to the FANS.

Send a message to those at the EPL and Optus that internet only supply with an exclusivity to ONE internet provider is not the way forward in Australia and that moving the product entirely online is going to hurt the fanbase in Australia. Australians will be forced to move to pirate streaming (if they even have internet capable of streaming) or miss out on 3 seasons of the premier league.

The move by the premier league to simple sell the rights to the highest bidder WITHOUT guarantees that their product will reach the most number of fans through satellite HD tv was naive and greedy, make a point.

SIgn up and send them a message today. We will not be held to ransom with an inferior product!

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