Ocean Palace Room Owner Removal - February 2012

Dave666 is the current room owner for Kongregate.com's English chat room Ocean Palace.
Dave666 has made multiple decisions and committed various actions that prove a lack of competency and cultural sensitivity required to properly do his job. The following is a list of offenses to the room and its inhabitants:
- Participated in user harassment through alternate accounts and through administrative (moderator) power.
- Expects to be treated with utmost respect and authority while practicing a significant amount of favoritism to certain users; fellow moderators have spoken about how he wishes to be treated as a king in his own chat room.
- Allowed for unrestricted role playing in Ocean Palace without setting any comprehensive standards leading to the departure of multiple regulars.
- Participated in user harassment post mass departure in regret of his previous decision as a means of scapegoating inconsiderate decision making. (i.e. Targeted defamatory speech toward new users from Role Playing Serious: http://i39.tinypic.com/dndnat.png)
Signing this petition will mean that you support the removal of Dave666 as the room owner of Ocean Palace.
Note, when you do sign the petition, set your name as your username instead of your real name.