Opposition to Townhomes on Baker Street
To the C-7 Design Committee:
By signing this petition, I declare that I am a resident, property owner, or long-term renter within the boundaries of the Baker Hilltop Neighborhood Association and that I oppose the proposed development of six townhomes at 102 Baker Street.
Some reasons for my opposition include design compatibility issues (the townhomes do not fit the characteristics of the direct neighbors or overall neighborhood); several C-7 guideline violations (such as setback issues and visible, front-facing garage doors); safety concerns for emergency vehicle access (high-density development on a historically narrow street that already has accessibility issues); and spot-zoning (having a C-7-zoned plot that allows for six-unit townhomes in the midst of R-2 homes on Baker Street is incongruous with the zoning of the surrounding lots facing Baker Street).
These are just a few of the reasons why this development is inappropriate for our neighborhood. Thank you for taking our opposition into account in your decision-making regarding this proposed project.