Opposition to Proposed UpZoning in Shenandoah

We the Miami Shenandoah Neighborhood Association (MSNA) are asking for your support in our opposition to Ordinances 1030 and 1031 that is before the City of Miami Commission on Thursday, April 13, 2017, which concerns the proposed up-zoning of two (2) parcels with addresses of 2610 SW 14th St. + 2611 SW 15th St.
Backstory: The owner owns 4 parcels (a pair on SW 14th St which backs up to a pair on SW 15th St, creating a set of four adjoining properties). They have razed the homes that live here and are wanting to upzone the properties to 'commercial' so they may sell them for more money. There is no plan yet for the properties, they are just trying to position them as attractively as possible for sale.
This upzoning would set a precedent in this area, moving the commercial boundary in and the neighbors that live here are against this and need your help. Please sign our petition and share!