Opposition to Lynch Canyon Greenmilk LLC Manufacturing, Processing, Testing, Cloning, Dispensary Industry
people have signed. Add your voice!

We the undersigned, Oak Shores Residents, Surrounding Community Members and visitors of Lake Nacimiento, do declare our Strong Opposition to the County Approval of the Proposed Lynch Canyon Greenmilk LLC Commercial Manufacturing, Processing, Testing, Cloning, Dispensary Industry. Permit#: DRC2018-00223 / Appeal#: AAPL2021-00011
- The Marijuana Manufacturing, Dispensary, Distribution, Processing and Cloning Building is 87,2011 sq ft with
- Increased Fire Hazzard and increased Criminal Activity (minimum of 30-minute response time)
- High Water Use Plant
- Elimination of 187 Oak Trees
- Processing facility (Bucking) is a Violation of the Williamson Act
- Increased Commercial Vehicle and Employee Traffic on Lynch Canyon Rd
- Light Pollution from parking lot light towers (68 parking spaces) and 24-Hour Security
- Air Pollution from 3-acre outdoor Grow Site and Manufacturing facility (skunk smell)
- Ground Water contamination from pesticides used in growing
More information on Proposed Commercial Marijuana Facility Click Here
For County Verification please provide the Following in the comments Section:
Oak Shores Residents: Please Provide Tract and Lot Numbers
Surrounding Lake Nacimiento Community Members: Please Provide Address or APN