Opposition to hotel/motel on Rockton Rd. in Rockton, Illinois

The construction of a hotel at the corner of Rockton Rd. and Glengary Rd. in Rockton, IL will increase the traffic flow into the quiet neighborhoods of Kensington & Wingate Subdivisions and will significantly impact the privacy of its residents.
Additionally, it is likely that a proposed hotel/motel in this particular location will increase crime in both neighborhoods.
As a result of the above concerns, we anticipate that the construction and operation of a hotel/motel will adversely affect the values of the properties in Kensington Subdivision, which stands as one of the communities largest tax bases. The same property value concern exists for Wingate Subdivision.
We kindly request you to reconsider the benefit and/or need of a hotel/motel at this particular location. None of the nearby, popular wedding venues or sports complexes are within close proximity to this location and there is currently nothing near I-90 requiring the need of overnight stays. Furthermore, a hotel/motel in this location will have no positive financial impact on the downtown area of Rockton, IL, which is located 2.5 miles away, or an 8 minute car ride.
For these reasons, we passionately oppose the construction of a hotel/motel at this location.
The signers of this petition request that you do all within your power to halt the future construction and reevaluate the impact of a proposed hotel/motel at this location.