Opposition to 446 York ST Supervised Consumption Facility(SCF)

The undersigned wish to express their concern and opposition to the proposed SCF at 446 York St. This site falls outside of the major criteria for site selection Including: being located within 100 meters of Beal Secondary School and 300 meters of CCH. It is located in the middle of 7 commercial buildings and there are 17 businesses within 500 meters of site.There are 4 high density residential apartment buildings within 250 meters of the proposed location. York St is a major east/west artery with high volumes of traffic during proposed facilities hours. The risk of user and vehicle accidents from jaywalking to the mens' mission after use of SCF is a tragedy waiting to happen. It is not discreet but open and in the middle of a vibrant commercial area.Finally, due process has not been followed and the affected neighborhood has not been properly consulted.
For these reasons, we object to the proposed SCF at 446 York as put forward to London City Council by the Middlesex London Health Unit.