Oppose Route D for ALL of Union County
Against Route D 0

Oppose Route D for ALL of Union County

143 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Against Route D 0 Comments
143 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Turnpike Authority released the route that they think would be best for the Monroe Bypass / Connector. They mention a petition of 2000+ names who oppose option 18A and support of option 2. (This route is made of various segments/options). Option 2 shifted westward in Sep 2008, and since this petition was signed in Nov/Dec 2007, I believe that the people should be allowed to revisit the materials (with FULL DISCLOSURE) and change their opinion if they choose to do so. Our main reason for this petition is to provide FACTUAL information instead of opinion. We want full disclosure of the facts so a citizen can make an informed decision and opinion (regardless of which side). If you feel that this route D is the best choice, then do not sign this online petition. However, if you feel that this route D is NOT the best choice, then please sign this petition and let your appropriate town council members, members of MUMPO, county commissioners, and the representatives with the Turnpike Authority know your opinion. Option 2 and 18A are in the western portion of Union County. But this option 2 will be consist of a 20-25 feet wall that will be approximately a mile long from I-485 to Sherin Lane. The wall will be the 6 lanes wide and have an additional 3 service lanes on each side. The whole business section from Stallings Road to right before Bi-Lo will be gone, and the new Right of Way from the other side of Stallings Road will be right at business�s front doors!! (Literally at the curb- I measured!). In previous reports, the Turnpike Authority has stated that this type of right-of-way issue could result in the closing of these businesses. Also, this same report clearly indicates that the closing of businesses on Hwy 74 could be detrimental to Union County�s economy. Which leads me to the question, most of these 48 businesses are Stallings, NC, so does that these businesses mean any less This whole project is greatly needed, and it WILL AFFECT the whole county no matter where you live. It will affect this region as many people from the surrounding areas travel through Union County or to Union County for various reasons.




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