OPPOSED to developing Pleasant Dr/S Mineral Springs/Holder Rd
S Risbon 0

OPPOSED to developing Pleasant Dr/S Mineral Springs/Holder Rd

163 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
S Risbon 0 Comments
163 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

If you are opposed to the development of 51 acres at Pleasant Dr/S Mineral Springs/Holder Rd and are not able to the meeting on Tuesday, Sept 26, please sign the petition. Those attending the meeting will present the signatures so the developer knows that there are more opposed than just those attending the meeting.

Message from developer:

I am contacting you to invite you to an informational meeting concerning a re-zoning in your neighborhood. This development is proposing to rezone 51 acres of land near the intersection of Pleasant Dr, S. Mineral Springs & Holder Rd. The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday, Sept. 26th at Bethesda Baptist Church. During the meeting I will provide information about the proposed residential development. This development will modify the current Zoning Map to allow residential development. I can be contacted at 919-490-4990 or timsivers@horathassociates.com. Sincerely, Timothy Sivers, President, Horvath Associates

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