Jin Guo 0

Oppose to permit a government permit cannabis store at 7360 kingsway

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Jin Guo 0 Comments
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Dear Edmonds neighbours, my name is Jin and as a new mom I just moved into Kings Crossing for its convenient location to Tommy Douglas Library. You could only imagine how heartbroken I was when I was told that a Public hearing will be hold on August 25th, after that a government permit cannabis store will be opened downstairs which is also on my way to my beloved library.

亲爱的同住在Edmonds的邻居,我叫Jin,也刚刚有了宝宝。当初选择搬来Kingscrossing 就是看重了它地理位置好,离图书馆只有一街之隔。可是就在前几天,我收到政府的邮件通知,说如果8.25的公众听证会通过,我家公寓楼的楼下要开一家大麻店,而选址更是在我带宝宝去图书馆的必经之路上。

The Edmonds community is a vivid and growing community, and we have many young children, teenagers, and seniors living here. As I mentioned earlier the location of the cannabis store is just opposite to the Tommy Douglas Public Library(less than 150m), and only two blocks away from the Edmonds community center and parks. Thus, its negative impact on the local residents, especially to the children and seniors, cannot be ignored. Researches have shown the use of cannabis will increase the likelihood of impaired driving (Reference 1), and adjacent areas of cannabis store saw about 84 more property crimes per year than neighborhoods without a nearby cannabis store (Reference 2). As a mother, the last thing I want to see is to put my children in danger on our way to the community library, community center, and parks. I sincerely appreciate my children and other residents can feel secure and safe while we're enjoying daily life in our community, therefore I am opposed to the opening of a legal cannabis store at 7360 Kingsway, where is the center and heart of our Edmonds community.

Edmonds 社区正在蓬勃发展,社区里有很多小孩,青少年还有老年人。大麻店的选址离图书馆不到150m,离社区中心和edmonds公园只隔了两条街。因此,在社区正中心开一家大麻店对儿童,青少年和老人的负面影响不容忽视。研究表明,吸食大麻会增加车祸风险 (引用1)。大麻店周围的犯罪率会比没有大麻店时提升84% (引用2)作为一个母亲,我最不想看到的就是孩子在社区中心,公园,图书馆活动,都置于险境 要担心会不会有人施暴 有人超速。所以在此,我恳请大家同我一起反对政府在Edmonds 社区中心成立大麻店。

Besides, a lot of my friends are also concerned about opening a cannabis store in Old Orchard Shopping Centre. The proposed location of the Cannabis store is near many public facilities:3 elementary schools (Chaffey-Burke Elementary ,Marlborough Elementary and Maywood Elementary),Burnaby main library, 3 churches,densely inhabited buildings, playgrounds, parks and community centre.

除此之外,我也有很多朋友住在metrotown社区中心,他们也反对大麻店开在old orchard shopping centre。反对原因也是因为大麻店选址在社区正中心,离三所小学,本拿比图书馆,三所教堂,公园和社区中心都很近。

Ways You Can Participate:


-Submit written comments to council (email* clerks@burnaby.ca)

-Live by phone conference (phone* 1-855-353-9183 and follow instructions. Passcode: 59735#)

-Live by zoom webinar (Visit* burnaby.ca/publichearings for details and instructions.)

-Watch the public hearing online (Watch the LIVE webcast at burnaby.ca)

  • 反对大麻店发送电子邮件至clerks@burnaby.ca
  • 寄送信件至Mayor and Council, c/o Office of City Clerk, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, V5G 1M2
  • 电话会议:1-855-353-9183,根据电话说明操作,密码:59735#
  • Zoom会议:访问Burnaby.ca/publichearings查看具体细节和方法

Please sign the petitions before its too late to speak up! 恳请您在8.25 日前签名发声支持!


1. Drug-Impaired Driving (Government of Canada)


2. Bridget Freisthler, Andrew Gaidus, Christina Tam, William R. Ponicki, Paul J. Gruenewald. From Medical to Recreational Marijuana Sales: Marijuana Outlets and Crime in an Era of Changing Marijuana Legislation. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s10935-017-0472-9

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