Oppose the change of use from dwelling house to childrens home at 1a Roland Drive Nuthall Nottingham by G4S Security.
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

The above planning application has recently been submitted by G4S Security to change the use of 1A Roland Avenue into a children's home.
The home is intended to house children aged 10-17 from troubled backgrounds. It has been widely reported in the media that G4S have a poor reputation of running these types of homes.
To view the application, please visit the Broxtowe BC planning page at http://planning.broxtowe.gov.uk and key in the following reference:15/00131/FUL.
Should you wish to lodge an objection to the application you can do so by placing a comment by 27th March on the planning application or by writing to Broxtowe Borough Council quoting the ref15/00131/FUL.
The parish council are holding a meeting at the Temple Centre on Tues 17th March at 7pm. Please come along and raise your concerns and objections.
Please sign this petition if you wish to voice your concern about the siting of this home in our area.