Oppose Illinois' bill on driver's licenses for illegal immigrants

We, the people of the State of Illinois, oppose what is currently known as SB 957, legislation that will permit 250,000 illegal immigrants the opportunity to obtain a state-issued driver's license. The bill is poorly thought-out with no safeguards in it to protect against fraud and corruption. Given the history of licenses-for-bribes in the Illinois Secretary of State's office and the involvement of a now convicted Republican governor and 80 indicted state officials, we, the people, believe that this bill is lacking in any fundamental safeguards to issue these licenses and are concerned that they will be misused as official identification. Illinois lawmakers admitted in a recent press conference that there is an insurance "loophole" in the present bill; yet the insurance provision is one of the stated reasons why proponents say this bill is necessary. We, the people, believe that Illinois lawmakers are misleading the public on this bill and there is no guarantee of any uninsured drivers securing insurance in exchange for a driver's license. New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez is attempting to repeal the bill that permits these driver's licenses in her state, citing reasons of fraud, corruption, and security concerns. We, the people, agree with Gov. Martinez and demand that our elected representatives vote "no" to this poorly-conceived, hastily assembled, pandering bill that is an affront to all legal citizens, legal immigrants, and undocumented workers.