Oppose Fairfax Restaurant Expansion and Alcohol

Opposition to Additional Liquor Sales and Increased Capacity at 1025 S. Fairfax: Zoning Variance Application ZA-2017-2240-CUB
The restaurant located at 1025 S. Fairfax is seeking a zoning exception to allow it to sell beer, wine and a full line of alcoholic beverages, add a bar and increase its capacity without providing adequate parking. We are opposed to this request because:
1) There is already an over-concentration of alcohol in the area. Within a single block, there are already 7 establishments selling alcohol and at least 3 more a block away.
2) The restaurant says it will provide only 5 parking spaces for 75 patrons, but actual number is smaller because of space taken up by a dumpster and the proposed parking being stacked (i.e., cars in interior spaces cannot be moved without moving cars on the outside). This is simply not enough parking for the proposed capacity. At present, parking is difficult, if not impossible at night for residents of the Carthay Square and Wilshire Vista communities. Any increase in capacity of a restaurant on neighboring Fairfax would only make this problem worse.
3) The proposed expansion will increase traffic and traffic accidents on the already overcrowded Fairfax Blvd. between Pico and Olympic and at the dangerous intersection of Fairfax, Olympic and San Vicente.