Oppose Cigna’s Decision to Not Cover the Cost of OxyContin in 2018
On behalf of the RSDSA Board of Directors and the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) community which we represent, the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) vehemently opposes your decision to discontinue paying for OxyContin in 2018 and switching to Xtampza ER as its “clinically equivalent” substitution.
Yet Cigna will continue to pay for its use in cancer and hospice care.
That exception for cancer and hospice care discriminates against individuals suffering with non-malignant or chronic pain. There is absolutely no scientific difference between cancer pain and non-malignant or chronic pain.
OxyContin for non-malignant or chronic pain is an excellent medication for individuals with CRPS and other chronic pain syndromes that have benefited from an extended release opioid discomfit medication. OxyContin in its latest formulation does have abuse deterrent properties similar to Xtampza ER.
Furthermore, there is no guarantee that individuals whose severe chronic pain was ameliorated by OxyContin will respond to Xtampza ER.
Most addiction specialists believe that your decision will not have a direct impact on the opioid epidemic. Opioid prescriptions have been declining since 2012 and most individuals who are abusing opiates are not abusing opiates obtained from legitimate prescriptions. Only people suffering with chronic pain will be hurt by your decision.
Please sign this petition requesting that Cigna rescinds their decision and includes OxyContin in their formulary in 2018.