Oppose Bellmoore Park Rezoning case RZ-17-013
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We, the residents of Johns Creek, respectfully request the City of Johns Creek Planning Commission, Mayor, and City Council to deny The Providence Group’s (TPG) proposed rezoning, RZ-17-013, to allow the development in Pods A and B of homes with a minimum of 1,800 sq. ft., and the addition of a 55+ age restriction.
The residents of Johns Creek strongly oppose this requested change for the following reasons:
- The future value of the current homes and the character of the area will be impacted.
- We also feel that this rezoning proposal does not meet the policy and intent of the City’s current Comprehensive Plan. In the Staff Report for TPG’s previous rezoning case, RZ-17-009, the staff recommended DENIAL. That case proposed only changing Pod A to the smaller square footage home and no age restriction. The proposed addition of 1,800 sq. ft. homes would not be consistent with existing homes in Bellmoore Park and the surrounding Bell Road area.
- TPG continues to state what may only be construed as self-imposed hardships for the requested change in conditions. Their stated reasoning for asking for Pods A and B are due to the delay in starting Pod A and the withdrawal of RZ-17-009.
- TPG’s desire to add age-restriction to an existing subdivision is not something that the City’s Comprehensive Plan is seeking for the Shakerag area. It is desired in other locations in the city, such as the Medlock Bridge area.