Avondale Opposition Petition

It is with great joy that I announce that we were successful. Tonight, Jan 11, 2016, at the Lancaster County Council Meeting, Avondale was defeated by a vote of 4-3. Voting in the majority opposed were: Councilman Larry Honeycutt, Councilman Jack Estridge, Chairman Bob Bundy, and Councilwoman Charlene McGriff. Voting in the minority and FOR Avondale were: Vice Chairman Brian Carnes, Councilman Larry McCullough, and Councilman Steve Harper.
Thank you all for your support and taking the time to sign this petition. I like to think that it had an impact on the minds of the County Council.
Avondale Opposition Petition
Please do not sign as anonymous and put your address in as a comment when signing.
The Indian Land growth rate is exploding.
- Lancaster County has issued ~20,000 residential building permits in Indian Land since 2004.
- The median age for homes in Indian Land is only 11 years, compared to well over 30 years in other parts of Lancaster County.
- There are approximately 2000 new single-family homes under construction in 2015.
Critical Concern: Indian Land infrastructure upgrades have not been able to keep pace with this rate of explosive growth.
- Roads: over-burdened (Half of the County's fastest growing traffic congestion issues are in Indian Land. The top 5 of which have worsened each of the last 10 years.)
- Schools: on the verge of overcrowding (Indian Land Middle and Indian Land High Schools are over capacity)
- Public Safety Agencies: Sheriff, Fire & EMS are equally over-burdened (Staffing levels are approximately 1.4 staff/10000 people under recommended force levels)
Lancaster County must have an opportunity to develop solid plans to increase our infrastructure capacity and “give us time to breathe.”
Avondale proposes 730 residence units (530 single and multi-family homes and a 200 unit senior managed care facility) to be built on 180 acres of land in the heart of Indian Land. Development is good as it encourages growth and economic development; however, infrastructure must also accompany development. We cannot slow down developments already being built or expanded, but we can slow down the proposed development of Avondale.
We, the undersigned, appeal to the Lancaster County Council to “give us time to breathe” and build the necessary infrastructure needed to support rapid growth. We ask that you deny Avondale’s proposed ordinance PDD-015-027. Consider giving Lancaster County and its citizens time to make smart choices and develop plans to address crucial infrastructure upgrades before moving forward with this new development.
*Please put your address in as a comment.