Wes Reinhardt 0

Oppose Asheville BID Tax

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Wes Reinhardt 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We, the below signatories object to the proposed adoption of a Business Improvement District (BID) Tax in the downtown district of the City of Asheville. We urge City Council Members to vote AGAINST a Business Improvement Tax. Reject the formation of a BID because the concept, assessment methodology and governing structure are patently flawed.


  • Asheville has successfully grown organically and has become the vital, celebrated city it is today, without ever needing to impose this type of overreaching additional tax on property and business owners.
  • Property owners should not be taxed additionally for services that they are already paying for and for services already being provided by the city.
  • BIDs first came into national prominence in the 1970s to stimulate growth and investment in traditionally blighted and depressed urban areas.  Asheville is not blighted nor is it depressed.
  • A BID Tax disproportionally penalizes large property owners.
  • A BID Tax disproportionally rewards those who contribute the least.
  • The allocation of votes on the proposed BID board disenfranchises the majority of contributors.
  • The proposed BID District encompasses a large land area which will not allow for equal distribution of proposed services. Therefore, contributors to this tax that reside on the fringes will see no benefits.
  • This tax will lead to an increase in real estate rental rates and thus increased costs for doing business. Downtown will become less attractive and less competitive in comparison to areas outside the BID district.
  • A BID will speed gentrification and lead to unintended economic consequences.

The citizens and taxpayers of Asheville deserve proper representation in all governmental matters. This can only be achieved through the transparency of democracy and the values of fiscal responsibility and civic-minded fairness; none of which are represented within the framework of this BID proposal.



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