Oppose the DEA's Proposal on Reduced Opioid Production
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has proposed an additional 20% reduction in the manufacturing of many opioid painkillers, including: oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and morphine. The proposed cuts in the opioid supply, which would be effective in 2018, are in addition to those imposed by the DEA in 2017 (a more than 25% reduction).
The Board of Directors of the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) has passed a resolution opposing this additional proposed reduction. The "opioid epidemic" will not be solved by a reduction in opioid supply, but will adversely hurt the accessibility to appropriate opiate therapy for people suffering with chronic pain.
We are asking members of the RSDSA community to join RSDSA in opposing this reduction.
Please sign our petition. It will be delivered to the DEA via the Federal Register on September 5.
After signing, we would like to encourage you to share with people you know that would also sign.