OPPOSE 200 Apartments @ Evans Farm Apartment Complex
Tom Goglia Ocean View 0

OPPOSE 200 Apartments @ Evans Farm Apartment Complex

Tom Goglia Ocean View 0 Comments
843 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The following is a list of Sussex County Delaware property owners and residents that oppose the current Linder & Co. / Pettinaro application # CU-2206 to allow the Conditional Use of that parcel of land located at the N/E corner of Old Mill Road and the south side of Railway Road located in Ocean View Delaware and permit the development of 200 multi-family living units. The undersigned will be adversely affected and irreparably harmed by allowing this development that fails to protect and will harm the safety, convenience ,order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future owners and residents of the surrounding communities as well as the greater population of Sussex county.

It should be understood that all of those signing this petition firmly request that this application # CU-2206 be denied.

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