Diem Boyd 0

Oppose Liquor License: 175 East Houston

Diem Boyd 0 Comments
56 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned, living in Community Board 3, oppose the on-premise liquor license for:

175 East Houston Street (d/b/a & corp to be formed) application for a liquor license for a "bar / restaurant" for the owner of the existing The Late Late at 159 East Houston with the closing hours of 4 AM all nights, 199 person occupancy, DJs ("background level"), security, live music, promoted events, wait lines.

STATEMENT: We believe that granting a liquor license to "175 East Houston" will negatively impact the already compromised quality of life of residents, and will not bring the much needed retail diversity to the neighborhood. When liquor licenses are supported in our area, it is for operators who open (have opened) legitimate restaurants ie Mission Chinese, Mission Cantina, Meatball, Contra, Russ & Daughters, Wassail, Georgia's BBQ, Quality Eats etc. that will have a minimal quality of life impact for residents and will enhance the small business community.

We believe the proposal for 175 East Houston Street is high-risk with the potential of turning into another "bait and switch" premises - an epidemic already plaguing our neighborhood. With thirty-eight (38) on-premise licenses within 500 ft and ten (10) within 1 block with the majority closing between 2AM and 4AM, the area surrounding 175 East Houston, we believe there is no public benefit or convenience in granting a license. This neighborhood is not under-served with options to drink, eat or be entertained late-night, and where traffic, noise-levels, public safety and public health are already severely compromised.

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