Aalyiah Henry 0

Opioid Overdose Prevention, Save lives, Live healthier

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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26 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Opioids are a very highly abused drug that people are overdosing from every single day. The death rate has drastically increased more and more ever since 2012. As research shows there has been an estimated rate of 221% increase in overdosing on opioids since 2012 leading to 2018. Opioids are being abused way to much and there needs to be a stop to it. People who now abuse opioids have to use or keep another drug known as Naloxone on them. This type of drug prevents the person from overdosing. Is this really what you want to see happening in this world? Seeing your family members and friends overdosing? Lets come together as one and help put a stop to Opioid Overdosing. No one deserves to lose their life and or see another person lose their life. Please sign this petition if you want to put a stop to Opioid Overdosing just like I do.

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