Help Prevent Opioid Abuse! Say No to D.A.R.E!
Every year, hospitalizations and deaths in teens from prescription drug overdoses have increased drastically. In 2015, over 25,000 people died from opioid induced overdoses. 2,200 of which were in our own state. We can make a change to that statistic! Drug education in Whiton Elementary School and Stony Brook School has proved to be inefficient (multiple studies by scientists and universities proved this), so we propose a new program that will teach the students how to make better decisions when it comes to drugs, opioids, and other things like making healthy choices. Programs to replace D.A.R.E in Whiton and Stony Brook would be Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) and Overdose Lifeline, Inc. (ODL). We hope to present this petition to the school board!