Support Your Community Pharmacies

Protect Oklahoman’s Freedom of Choice. Support Your Local Pharmacy!
Beginning January 1, 2012 Oklahoma State Employees using HealthChoice for insurance benefits will be forced to fill maintenance medications at a Medco Mail Order Pharmacy or Preferred Maintenance Network Pharmacy or suffer a stiff 50% financial penalty on prescription costs.
This decision will limit Oklahoman’s choice of pharmacies, cause irreparable harm to your locally owned pharmacy and send millions of Oklahoma dollars to an out-of-state company!
Your community pharmacy wants to participate as a Preferred Maintenance Network Pharmacy however the reimbursement contract offered to us was significantly below the purchase price for brand drugs and we simply cannot afford to sell drugs below our cost.
By signing below you hereby support the following:
• Savings of an estimated $18 Million by using community pharmacy’s proposed 90 day retail program in lieu of Medco mail order. Save $18 Million vs Medco’s projected $8.8 Million and KEEP OKLAHOMA REVENUE IN OKLAHOMA!
• Individual patient right to choose their own pharmacy provider.
• Individual patient right to receive face to face drug therapy management, medication education and compliance monitoring services given by their local community pharmacist.
• Implementation of 90 day supply dispensing by local community pharmacies at a contract rate that is not below the pharmacy’s cost.
• Local community retail pharmacy support to school systems, such as FFA, sports, bands, school supplies, year book ads, prom parties; as well as many other community activities. Community pharmacy supports local programs 350% greater than other entities.
• Protection of over 900 Oklahoma jobs that will be lost as a result of store closures and reduced staffing by implementation of the Medco mail order program. While mail order on the surface appears to save money, it rarely does due to prescription waste and higher generic drug pricing by mail order.
I oppose OSEEGIB’s decision to implement Medco’s mail order pharmacy program. I support and promote Oklahoma’s small business community.