W.H.O.A. To the US Congress ... Stop the slaughter of America's Wild Horses. We will make this our NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION for 2019, and continue until our demands are met. We will bring the American beef industry to a crawl. until you accede to our demands. You have ignored our letters, texts, emails, phone calls, and petitions. Eighty percent of Americans are opposed to horse slaughter and we are no longer requesting. The state of our wild horse herds are in critical and imminent danger. America's Wild Horses are America's treasures.
You have not felt our pain. You think we do not have the power of your wealthy donors, but you are mistaken. When you start hearing from the owners of the hamburger chains across the nation, restaurant associations, USDA cold storage warehouses, butcher's unions, you'll hear more than our voice. When you start hearing from truckers, independent and chain grocers associations, grain growers, feedlot operators, you'll hear more than just our voice. The 20% that do not care about wild horse slaughter will suddenly start caring too. When we are all in pain it's easier to understand one another.
I honor and respect those few men and women of Congress that are already fighting for the wild horses. I urge you to explain to your colleagues that this is to stop now. Other countries kill and eat horses. Other countries also kill and eat cats and dogs. That's their culture, but it's not ours. Americans would be outraged if they were to discover their dogs and cats were being shipped to those countries that would slaughter them for meat and use their fur for clothing. Shipping wild horses and burros to Mexico and Canada, shames us as a nation. This is not who we are.
Immediately release all wild horses in Federal custody back to their original native home. Afford the American Wild Horses the same exact legal protection of the American Bald Eagle. and make it a Federal crime to kill a wild horse or burro. https://wildhorseeducation.org/blm/ https://www.fws.gov/midwest/eagle/protect/laws.htm...
Abolish the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. It has outlived its purpose and costs millions of millions of taxpayer dollars every year. The act came into existence after the war broke out between cattlemen and sheepherders almost a 100 years ago .. Fifteen men and a boy, and perhaps more than 10,000 sheep were killed. The Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 is obsolete and terribly abused. We are subsidizing some billionaire "welfare" cattle ranchers on land that produces less than 3% of our nation's beef supply. The number of cattle and sheep must be limited in number to where wild horses and wildlife are not adversely affected. They, and other wildlife must come first. https://www.wyohistory.org/encyclopedia/leasing-pu...
We also demand a law to be enacted to make it illegal to gather or herd wild horses vy either fixed wing or rotary aircraft. It is cruel and inhumane resulting in injuries causing them to be euthanized.
Please join OPERATION W.H.O.A https://www.facebook.com/groups/517902595367304/