Operation FORUM
Jesse James 0

Operation FORUM

62 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jesse James 0 Comments
62 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

When Galaxy Legion first debuted on Facebook, it had over 100,000 monthly players. The game is a gem rarely found in such an environment. However that number has dropped drastically. Last year, the number was down to 35,000 monthly users and almost 12,000 daily users. As of several days ago, the monthly active users is down to under 30,000, with the active daily users down to a dangerous 9,000. If this trend continues, then Galaxy Legion may very well die within a year or two. What is the cause of this drastic drop in activity? The answer is both obvious and complicated. For a while now Galaxy Legion’s only known developer, Dan Montgomery (also known as webguydan), has been almost completely silent with the community. Only showing up for minor issues and updates on holiday events and missions. This silence from the creator of the game is toxic to the life of the game. The lack of communication between community and developer can only lead to the eventual death of the game. A line of communication needs to be established if Galaxy Legion is to have any chance at springing back to life. However one of the major lines of communication is being hindered by the two active moderators on the forum, MrSpock and S.Hawking. These two moderators were put into power because the community wanted a form of order be put into place for the betterment of the community. However the order it got was not beneficial. It was quite the opposite. Whether by their orders or by their own desire, these two moderators have drastically changed and dictated the forum to the point where it seldom gets new users on there or gets a new topic. While some would argue that they are simply enforcing the rules we have grown so used to not being enforced, it is the fact that they are killing the forum and thus a major line of communication with the developer that needs to be rectified. With one of the most useful means of direct communication with the developer being so badly hindered and controlled, major issues and worthwhile suggestions are being ignored. The majority of the former active members of the forum are now gone. Much of the high ranked members of the community are showing discontent with the way things are going, and the lower ranks and new people are being shunned and mistreated. With the next holiday event just around the corner and a major lag issue going unaddressed when it can easily be responded to, it is clear who is to blame. This interference in communication must be resolved. MrSpock and S.Hawking must be removed from their positions. It is the first major step to restoring Galaxy Legion to its former glory. If at least 2% of the Galaxy Legion playerbase stands up and demands a change for the better; a change that is beneficial to the community and to the developer, there is a good chance that our collective voice will be heard and acted upon in the manner we need and want. The more supporters for this petition there are, the louder our voice will be in restoring Galaxy Legion. Spread the word to your legion, your allies and your friends about the injustice being done. Tell them to do the same. The entire community must be made aware of what is happening and how it can be solved.

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