Open Letter to President Kiir, Republic of the South Sudan

Open Letter to our President Kiir, Republic of the South Sudan
By the citizen of the South Sudan in the United States Diaspora
We under signed citizens, parents, church elders and Christian NGO leaders of the Republic of the South Sudan in the US- Diaspora want to bring to your attention the future of our families and the church in the South Sudan for the sake of the next generation: There is urgency to halt the current incursion of the UN and its proxy organizations in the new country of the South Sudan. Under the watch of our young government of the South Sudan, they are vigorously implementing their agenda to pre-empt and destroy this young country of the South Sudan from achieving her future of being a city on the hill that cannot be hidden for Jesus Christ. We are weary about the pre-emption attempt by the UN and western countries that have destroyed the social fabric of their own nations now they are ex-porting their lifestyle to us to destroy the social fabric of our society right from its foundation, which is the fabric of our family and the church. UN is implementing programs under your watch to destroy the family, the church and the country. They are targeting the women and girls in the name of gender equality, political, social and economy equality for the sake of expedience at the expenses of the most foundational pillars of human existence since the Creation which is the family and our Judea Christian value and worldview.
We have lived in America long enough to give our feedback in respect to our experience in this country. We are grateful for this country for opening its door for our community who came here seeking the freedom for our family, and freedom for worship from Islamic persecution. However, today, America is changing faster than 3 years ago under President Obama. Today we are living in Post Judeo-Christian America where the country is run by social activists, and social engineers who are bent on revising and rewriting the history of this great nation.
Most South Sudanese who took refuge in America whether they came here as asylum seekers or whether were pre-approved by the USA Government for resettlement after intense screening in the refugees camps like the lost boys, are still struggling to get their lives together in America. Coming to America is one thing but adjusting to life here is all together a different thing. Which community and church you want to be a part is another. Parents are stripped from their God given parental role and responsibilities. Many of our people who came with wives and children are plagued with divorce; separation and child custody battles between two parents in the states are rampant. Women have upper hand in getting child custody 90 % of the times under court orders. Fathers are marginalized and made to pay child support without playing their role in raising their sons and daughters.
Most families live on the income of two parents who are both working at least 10 hours a day to make end meet.. They are constantly under stress. Children are placed in public school or day care in the hands of paid stranger almost seven days a week. Parents don’t spend times with their children because of the demands placed on two working parents.
The wife’s salary is always better than the husbands because in most cases the resettlement program that brought the family here, favors training the woman for a career than the man. Fathers cannot longer discipline their children or they could end up in jail or the child removed from them. Wives can initiate separation or divorce from her husband at will for no apparent reason other than the fact that she can do whatever she wants including her right put restrain order against her husband and the right to abort a baby. So you can understand the disappointment. This is the reason why we want our government to be cautious in implementing UN agenda or in getting foreign aides with string attached because we as a nation will soon become like America.
1. America has abandoned the vision of its founders, and is suffering the consequences. The family and the church are God’s primary institutions on earth. The children are the future generation. But now these foundational institutions of family and the church in USA have been broken. This country has killed 40 millions of her own citizens through abortion since 1973. Marriages are in turmoil, government has oversteps its boundaries by becoming the husbands and fathers of dysfunctional wives and children. Boys and girls are confused about their roles. Homosexuality is on the rise and we are forced to accept it as a genetic issue as opposed to calling sin for what sin is. Parental rights have been systematically undermined. Just watch this Government invasion of parental right
2. America is living in post Judeo-Christian America, falling back into moral decadent like the ancient Rome or Greece. USA is increasingly implementing the UN global agenda of social engineering. We are concerned that South Sudan will follow in America’s footsteps and slip into, political correctness, materialism and godlessness, forgetting that it is God who has delivered us from our enemies. The constitution of the South Sudan mirrors the secular constitutions of the USA and Western Europe, which opens doors to cultural relativism within which Islam thrives. This is where America and the rest of Europe. South Sudan is moving too fast in cutting and pasting every global UN driven agenda into its constitution without the consent of its citizens. This is a death trap for the next generation.
UK- and USA Global social engineering policy under the UN Mandate is very clear This is one of the issues both the USA and Great Britain are both involved in promoting globally under UN. Africa rebuffs Cameron’s gay rights gambit e.i , the attempt to entrenching and imposing homosexual life and gender based life style on our enfant country and destroying the fabric of a resilient people in a emerging nation is a serious threat to our stability and future is under way . This is a defining moment for all of us which will test our resolve to remain morally a sovereign nation or pander into the UN’s global demands. We are weary about the pre-emption attempt by the UN and western countries that have destroyed the social fabric of their own nations now they are ex-porting their lifestyle to us to destroy the social fabric of our society right from its foundation, which is the fabric of our family and the church. As Christian citizens of the South Sudan living in the USA, we are concerned about Aids coming into the South Sudan with string attached from the Obama’s administration, U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say
1. which is closely linked to Cameron’s British administration, both are controlled and driven by global UN homosexual and women rights agenda to be imposed on the Republic of the South Sudan.
2. Their goal is to destroy the social and spiritual fabric of our society by introducing government controlled social programs that target only women and children as victims of men and family institution with husbands and fathers playing their God given roles to guide their families.
3. These UN driven programs are promoting, divorce, sexual immorality and eventual dependence on government welfare. They encourage abortion and homosexuality on demand to reduce Christian demography. They want to neutralize the power of the Biblical authority of the Word of God in the South Sudan and around the world.
Unfortunately, the leaders of South Sudan like most western countries do not understand the driving force behind Islam. Islamic is not merely a religion. It is a political, economical, social and cultural movement seeking to dominate and control global resources. Since the seventh century, Islam has sought to subvert Judeo-Christian democratic nations from within by gradually eroding and undermining their constitutions. They do this by flooding societies over time with propaganda and then super- imposing Sharia Law over existing laws. Islam thrives in countries that forsake Judeo-Christian core values and where the culture is dominated by a secular mindset. If we as a people don’t embrace a Biblical world view, materialism and intellectualism will serve as our gods and eventually people will want something more than that. The next thing you will know, the South Sudan will once again be in the grip of Islam. Examples:
Example: In Kenya, Muslims demanded special treatment and to be included in the Kenyan Constitution. “Nairobi, Kenya, ( CNA) The proposed Constitution of Kenya is “fundamentally flawed” because it paves the way for abortion on demand and recognizes Muslim civil courts, the Catholic bishops of the country have objected. They compared the proposed document, which was backed by the Obama administration, to an egg beginning to go bad.
In Uganda, Muslims are rejecting a new family law: Although Muslims make up only 16% of the population, they are vowing to reject a proposed anti-polygamy law on Islamic grounds. It is certain that such challenges will also come, sooner or later, to anti-polygamy laws in other nations on the same grounds -- that these laws are against Islam. The Ugandan Muslim Supreme Council opposed the Domestic Relations Bill, which proposes, among other things, to outlaw polygamy. Muslim leaders said the proposal violates the Muslim holy book, the Koran, which allows Muslim men to marry up to four women?
We are concern that Government of South Sudan will give away our sovereignty to the UN control, or will serve as a puppet government pandering to UN demands.
President Salva Kiir should not approve or grant any more power to the UN and its proxy organizations to micromanage the affairs of the South Sudan and her people .Social programs sponsored by organizations like UNICEF, WHO, FAO in the South present significant obstacles to creating free society composed of self governing citizens.
Under the watch of the young government of the South Sudan, they are vigorously implementing their agenda to pre-empt and destroy this infant country of the South Sudan from achieving her future of being a city on the hill that cannot be hidden for Jesus Christ. Here are the lists of programs UN and the government of the Republic of the South Sudan is implementing to destroy the family, the church and the country. They are targeting the women and girls in the name of gender equality, political, social and economy equality for the sake of expedience at the expenses of the most foundational pillars of human existence since the Creation which is the family and our Judea Christian value and worldview.
2. Ministry of Health, Government of Southern Sudan
3. Q&A: South Sudan’s Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare on Africa’s Newest Nation and its Women
1. What are your hopes for South Sudan’s women moving forward?
This is one of the issues, Africa rebuffs Cameron’s gay rights gambit e.i , the attempt to entrenching and imposing homosexual life and gender based life style on our enfant country and destroy the fabric of a resilient people in a emerging nation is a serious threat to our stability and future. This is a defining moment for all of us which will test our resolve to remain morally a sovereign nation or pander into the UN’s global demands. We are weary about the pre-emption attempt by the UN and western countries that have destroyed the social fabric of their own nations now they are ex-porting their lifestyle to us to destroy the social fabric of our society right from its foundation, which is the fabric of our family and the church. As Christian citizens of the South Sudan living in the USA, we are concerned about Aids coming into the South Sudan with string attached from the Obama’s administration, U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say
5. which is closely linked to Cameron’s British administration, both are controlled and driven by global UN homosexual and women rights agenda to be imposed on the Republic of the South Sudan.
6. Their goal is to destroy the social and spiritual fabric of our society by introducing government controlled social programs that target only women and children as victims of men and family institution with husbands and fathers playing their God given roles to guide in the homes.
Base on the history and the plight of our country, we did not go to war to liberate our people from male domination pitting men ( husbands, fathers and brothers) against women ( our wives, mothers, and sisters). We fought against Islamic takeover of our family, church and country. Our leaders should envision rebuilding our country by restoring the Biblical family and the Church in the South Sudan from the ashes of war both spiritually & physically, through the preaching of the Gospel, promotion of sustainability & Christian entrepreneurship. To fulfill Biblical mandate according to James 1:27 in support of widows and the fatherless. The article above is reminding us of what to expect if we are going to rely heavily on foreign aid instead of our own resources in the country.
The need for clear teaching on basic Christian living and the biblical function of the family in New Sudan is urgent.
1. National pastors who ascribe to the sufficiency of Scripture are facing a cultural mindset that has been heavily influenced by the U.N. and post-Christian Western ideology. The Bible reveals that the family is an integral part of the unfolding of His eternal purpose for the redemption of sinners. This great and gracious salvation--purposed by the Father, accomplished by the Son, and applied by the Holy Spirit--is in great measure passed on to succeeding generations as parents faithfully disciple the children God gives them. Therefore, the biblical order of the family is crucial to the stability and health of the Church of Jesus Christ and stability of a country. In light of this, we recognize that the family--specifically fathers-- is the focus of a fierce and unrelenting attack by the world, the flesh, and the Devil. For the Church in the New Sudan to thrive, Christians must rise up in defense of the family with uncompromising biblical warfare.
2. What is the " U.N. " Mindset? Prior to the Islamic war of persecution, most South Sudanese enjoyed rural, peaceful lives in multigenerational communities. A Judeo-Christian framework for faith and life had been the pattern for many centuries. Marriage, childbearing, and work found their meaning and dignity within this context. During the Islamic bombing campaigns of the 1980's and 90's, those who were not killed were driven into U.N. operated refugee camps in the neighboring countries with little hope of ever returning home. The first generation of Sudanese refugees born in these camps were fatherless and dependent on handouts of food, clothing, and shelter for survival. The Church was scattered and thousands of pastors and elders were martyred. Opportunities for work and education were practically nonexistent. While families languished in exile, they were indoctrinated by UN agencies who told them that their homeland and former way of life were gone forever; faith in God is meaningless, marriage is an irrelevant human institution, and children are an impediment to progress. When UN agencies brought micro -businesses into the area, they targeted women and girls with feminist career propaganda while the men and boys are deliberately left out and deemed to be the root of the problem. Drinking became the norm of the day. The second generation of refugees grew up in a culture defined by a cycle of poverty, divorce, co-habitation and UNICEF funded abortion. The third generation is now reaping the whirlwind. They must contend with the battle for their minds if they would have true liberty in New Sudan.
3. Here are the lists of programs UN and the government of the Republic of the South Sudan is implementing to destroy the family, the church and the country. They are targeting the women and girls in the name of gender equality, political, social and economy equality for the sake of expedience at the expenses of the most foundational pillars of human existence since the Creation which is the family and our Judea Christian value and worldview.
1. 1. Ministry of Health, Government of Southern Sudan
2. Q&A: South Sudan’s Minister of Gender, Child and Social Welfare on Africa’s Newest Nation and its Women
5. Training Women Leaders in Southern Sudan
7. South Sudan among recipients of UN grants to end violence against women
8. Country Program Manager, UN Women, Juba, South Sudan
9. Sudanese women balancing the delicate political act
10. Women Must Gain Real Influence in South Sudan Government
11. Population & Sustainability News Digest
12. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today welcomed the recently independent country of South Sudan
13. United We Stand: International Women’s Day – US Embassy Juba, South Sudan
14. SOUTH SUDAN: Born into Crisis – Violence Against Women Continues
15. How Will Women Fare in the World’s Newest Country?
God bless you Mr. President for being on the right side of God and History.
Is our President, Mr. Salva Kiir and the country ready to respond in the same way as Ghana and Nigeria to this kind of condition if the USA and Britain, under these two leaders demand that South Sudan won’t get aid from USAID or from UK’s DFID , unless we accept Homosexual and Women Rights agenda in our country?
We urge our President and government to be:
1. Courageous, bold and ready to stand up and stop the UN and any other country from Sexualizing Children
2. Stop Building abortion industry at the expense of the unborn citizens of our country,
3. Stop dividing families ( setting women against men)
4. Stop blurring sexual distinction between men and women
5. Stop turning women and girls to become militant feminist against their husbands, fathers and brothers
6. Stop destroying the fabric of Judeo-Christian family in the South Sudan for political and economic convenience.
7. Our leaders should envision rebuilding our country by restoring the Biblical family and the Church in the South Sudan from the ashes of war both spiritually & physically, through the preaching of the Gospel, promotion of sustainability & Christian entrepreneurship. To fulfill Biblical mandate according to James 1:27 in support of widows and the fatherless. The article above is reminding us of what to expect if we are going to rely heavily on foreign aid instead of our own resources in the country.
8. Our Government needs to recognize that the benchmark for strong and prosperous nation requires strong families, which translate into strong church and strong church translates into strong nation and strong nation translate into strong economy and political power not the other way around.
9. Our nation can’t help the women and girls by promoting UN gender base programs targeting women and girl only. It requires the effort to restore the whole family which comprises of the husbands, wives and children. That is God’s model for humanity since the Creation.
10. Our nation should promote men to lead by being servants to their family, church and the country by serving their family ( wives and children and country) .