Open Letter to NIH Director Francis Collins

Francis Collins, MD, PhD
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892
Dear Dr. Collins:
We are writing to request that NIH delay implementation of its policy that sweeps basic science into a clinical trials framework until adequate feedback about its impact is obtained from the affected scientific community. We wholeheartedly agree with NIH’s goals of increasing scientific transparency and rigor, but we ask that you consider alternative mechanisms to accomplish those goals that would have fewer adverse effects on basic research.
The mission of National Institutes of Health is to fund a wide range of health related research. Some of this research consists of clinical trials: testing the effects of interventions that could be developed into treatments for improving health. Clinical trials are the key method for establishing the efficacy, and safety, of potential new treatments. The NIH also funds, as part of its mandate, basic discovery science on health-related topics. Basic discovery science tests hypotheses about how human minds and bodies work. History shows that basic science is necessary: the discoveries made by the basic science of today provide the foundation for the clinical trials of tomorrow. New treatments can only be invented on the basis of new knowledge about how the mind and body work.
The NIH’s interpretation of its definition of “clinical trials” is so broad that many experiments designed to test hypotheses about how the mind and body work will be inappropriately classified as clinical trials. The negative impact of the new policy is substantial:
- Basic scientists whose research is now deemed a “clinical trial” may only submit applications for funding through a funding opportunity announcement designated specifically for clinical trials, even though other funding vehicles are more appropriate;
- The basic research studies now classified as “clinical trials” will be reviewed by study sections constituted for clinical trial review and would need to be significantly reconstituted to handle discovery science;
- Training grants cannot be used to fund “clinical trials,” so basic research involving humans will be ineligible for T-awards;
- Exploratory research, which is the lifeblood of discovery, would be hampered. If exploratory research could be registered at all, such registration is likely to slow the pace of research, impeding innovation and discovery;
- The new policies unnecessarily increase the administrative burden on investigators, and this burden will fall disproportionately on researchers at less well-funded universities and colleges, which have fewer administrative resources to help; and,
- Members of the public who seek information in clinicaltrials.gov will find a potentially confusing array of basic science experiments that are not in the clinical trial stage.
We understand that a motivation for this change is to increase transparency and replicability in NIH funded research. We strongly applaud this motivation. Indeed, many of the undersigned are actively involved in scientist-led efforts to increase replicability and transparency. Examples include the Open Science Framework (OSF), and OpenfMRI. And other efforts to increase transparency are underway, both inside and outside government. NIH has also helped to increase data sharing in the NIMH data archive. And scientists are currently developing mechanisms for more sharing of code as well. We encourage (and applaud the NIH for encouraging) pre-registration, data sharing, protocol sharing, and code sharing.
We support the goals of transparency and replicability. Unfortunately, the current effort to improve transparency and replicability in basic science does so by mislabeling basic research as a clinical trial.
In our view, NIH could easily transform a policy that is harmful to basic science researchers into one that will do no harm and yet increase the transparency and accountability for all of the research it funds, but in parallel tracks.
We respectfully request that you:
- Affirm that health-related discovery science is an important part of the NIH research portfolio that enables us to build a foundation of fundamental knowledge that will be needed, in time, to design clinical trials.
- Take this opportunity to invite to NIH representatives from affected basic research communities, listen to the concerns raised, and work with us to shape a policy for this important segment of NIH grantees; and,
- Specifically develop a protocol for promoting transparency and replicability based on input from the basic science community. A new protocol could be based on existing efforts such as OSF and OpenfMRI.
Jeremy Wolfe, Brigham and Women's Hospital / Harvard Med
Nancy Kanwisher, MIT
Rebecca Saxe, MIT
Ken Norman, Princeton University
Adina Roskies, Dartmouth College
David Badre, Brown University
William Heindel, Brown University
James DiCarlo, MIT
Daniel Schacter, Harvard University
Marlene Behrmann, Carnegie Mellon University
Richard Aslin, Haskins Laboratories
David Plaut, Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Kody Manke, Professor
Dwight Kravitz, The George Washington University
Jack Gallant, University of California at Berkeley
Russell Poldrack, Stanford University
Benjamin Backus, Graduate Center for Vision Research, SUNY College of Optometry
Kasey Creswell, Carnegie Mellon University
Samuel Norman-Haignere, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Luke Hyde, University of Michigan
Brock Kirwan, Brigham Young University
Sarah Shomstein, George Washington University
Edward Vogel, University of Chicago
Jennifer Beer, University of Texas at Austin
Molly Crockett, Yale University
Jay Van Bavel, New York University
Aidan Wright, University of Pittsburgh
Breana Carter, George Washington University
Tyler Davis, Texas Tech University
Frank Keil, Yale University
Eran Dayan, UNC-CH
Allyson Mackey, University of Pennsylvania
Scott Huettel, Duke University
Samuel Gershman, Harvard University
Edward Awh, University of Chicago
Samuel Mehr, Harvard University
Wm Wren Stine, University of New Hampshire
Mike Angstadt, University of Michigan
Simon W Davis, Duke University
adele diamond, Univ. of British Columbia (UBC)
Brian Wandell, Stanford University
Claire Morrison, University of Michigan
Robert Desimone, MIT
Elizabeth Phelps, New York University
Jordan Grafman, Northwestern University
Robert Sekuler, Brandeis University
Elika Bergelson, Duke University
Chunyue Teng, The George Washington University
Evelina Fedorenko, MIT; HMS/MGH
Stephen Adamo, Postdoctoral Researcher
Jochen Weber, Columbia University
Bradley R Postle, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Deborah Hannula, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Kevin LaBar, Duke University
Rosie Cowell, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Leigh Goetschius, University of Michigan
Edward Ester, Florida Atlantic University
Charan Ranganath, University of California at Davis
Amitai Shenhav, Brown University
Daniel Willingham, University of Virginia
Alex Shackman, University of Maryland
Alison Preston, The University of Texas at Austin
Hailey Dotterer, University of Michigan
Ennio Mingolla, Northeastern University
Diana Tamir, Princeton University
John Wixted, UC San Diego
Scott Lilienfeld, Emory University
Vishnu P Murty, University of Pittsburgh
Melissa Kline, MIT
Michael Frank, Stanford University
Matthew Walker, UC Berkeley
Taylor Stephan, University of Michigan
Michael Rugg, UT Dallas
Ben Deen, Rockefeller University
Rachel Diana, Virginia Tech
Preston Thakral, Harvard University
Hilary Richardson, MIT
Anna Schapiro, Harvard Medical School
Ione Fine, University of Washington
Jonathan Victor, Weill Medical College
Mingbo Cai, Princeton University
Eric Schumacher, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bharath Chandrasekaran, Associate Professor
Jessica Church-Lang, The University of Texas at Austin
Howard Egeth, Johns Hopkins University
Megan deBettencourt, University of Chicago
David Schnyer, University of Texas
Shuo Wang, WVU
Jonathan Phillips, Harvard University
Emily Garnett, University of Michigan
Mina Cikara, Harvard University
Kristen Stauffer, University of Michigan
Alfonso Caramazza, Harvard University
Alejandro Lleras, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Brian Allen, University of Washington biomedical researcher
Cary Savage, Banner University Health
Ryan Ly, Princeton University
Alexander Dufford, University of Denver
Lauretta Reeves, University of Texas at Austin
Eric Donny, University of Pittsburgh
Steven Pinker, Harvard University
Lindsey Powell, MIT
Sara Weisenbach, University of Utah
Robert Siegler, Carnegie Mellon University
Timothy Rogers, University of Wisconsin Madison
Stephen Engel, University of Minnesota
Shreesh Mysore, Johns Hopkins University
Regan Bernhard, Harvard University
Justin Hulbert, Bard College
Andrew Oxenham, University of Minnesota
Stefano Anzellotti, MIT
Arne D Ekstrom, UC Davis
Paul Bloom, Yale
Josh McDermott, MIT
Robert C Welsh, University of Utah, Department of Psychiatry
Dima Amso, Brown University
Emily Falk, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Kalish, Syracuse university
Julia Leonard, MIT
Jasper Hajonides van der Meulen, Princeton university
Kyle Dillon, Harvard University
Maureen Ritchey, Boston College
James Antony, Princeton University
Sean Dae Houlihan, MIT
Jeffrey Lees, Harvard University
Alexandra Burt, Michigan State University
Christine Larson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ariel Rokem, The University of Washington
Camila Caballero, Yale
Avram Holmes, Yale University
Cathleen Moore, University of Iowa
James Morgan, Brown University
Steve Chang, Yale University
Katy Thakkar, Michigan State University
Craig Stark, University of California Irvine
Tyler Perrachione, Boston University
Charles Chubb, UC Irvine, Dept of Cognitive Sciences
Christopher Honey, Johns Hopkins University
Simona Lleras Buetti, University of Illinois
Caroline Robertson, MIT
Abigail Novick, Princeton University
David J Heeger, New York University
Simona Ghetti, University of California, Davis
Joel Voss, Northwestern University
Jenny Saffran, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Alexander Kale, University of Washington
Caren Rotello, University of Massachusetts
Jonathan Peelle, Washington University in Saint Louis
Garraux, Liege University
Lucina Uddin, University of Miami
Brooks King-Casas, Virginia Tech
Mallory Feldman, Northeastern University
Kalanit Grill-Spector, Stanford University
Brendan Colson, University of Chicago
Eren Gunseli, University of Chicago
Sagi Jaffe-Dax, Princeton University
Joe McGuire, Boston University
Thorsten Kahnt, Northwestern University
Nicole Hakim, University of Chicago
Joseph Orr, Texas A&M University
Kristina Visscher, University of Alabama, Birmingham
James Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Manoj Kumar, Princeton University
RUYUAN ZHANG, University of Minnesota
Rajesh Kana, University of alabama at Birmingham
Justin Martin, Harvard University
Anna Docherty, University of Utah
Peter Kok, Yale University
Matthew Lieberman, UCLA
Matthew Goldrick, Northwestern University
Timothy Brady, UC San Diego
Sebastian Musslick, Princeton University
Lisanne Jenkins, Northwestern
Jillian Hardee, University of Michigan
Daniel R O'young, Northwestern University
Robbe Goris, UT Austin
Mariam Aly, Columbia University
Stephen, Texas A&M University
Cynthia Thompson, Northwestern University
Jesse Rissman, UCLA
Patrick Bissett, Stanford University
Stephen Maren, Texas A&M University
Michael Cohen, Northwestern University
Emma Satlof-Bedrick, University of Pittsburgh
Myeong-Ho Sohn, The George Washington University
Mollie Bayda, Center for Sleep and Cognition at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center / Harvard Medical School
Joseph Austerweil, University of Wisconsin - Madison
James R Coleman, Northeastern University
Alfredo Spagna, Department of Psychology, QC, CUNY
Julian De Freitas, Harvard University
Phil Johnson-Laird, Princeton University
Aaron Benjamin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jordan Manes, Northwestern University
Marc Coutanche, University of Pittsburgh
Jeremy Manning, Dartmouth College
Brendan Depue, University of Louisville
Cara Stepp, Boston University
Jan Wessel, University of Iowa
Daniel Hyde, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lei Wang, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Daniel Weissman, University of Michigan
Mark Thornton, Princeton University
Russell M Church, Brown University
Mark S Seidenberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tessa Abagis, University of Michigan
CLAYTON CURTIS, New York University
John Plass, University of Michigan
Derin Cobia, Brigham Young University
John Serences, UC San Diego
Ben Huang, Weill Cornell Medical College
Shashi Kapadia, Weill Cornell Medicine
Caren Walker, University of California San Diego
Sara Cordes, Boston College
Nathaniel Daw, Princeton University
Jodie, University of Iowa
Rebekka Matheson, Brigham Young University
Raedy Ping, Northwestern University
Yarrow Dunham, Yale University
Dean Buonomano, UCLA
Sheila Krogh-Jespersen, DePaul University
Tyler Adkins, University of Michigan
Dave Kleinschmidt, Princeton Neuroscience University
Marjorie Rhodes, New York University
Rachel Barr, Georgetown University
Mikle D South, Brigham Young University
Alexandra Boehm, Graduate student researcher
Rosie Aboody, Yale University
Eliza, Bucknell University
Julie Schneider, University of Texas at Dallas
Christina Schonberg, UCLA
Elizabeth Brey, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Marieke van Heugten, SUNY Buffalo
Shawn D Gale PhD, Brigham Young University
Mehmet Agaoglu, UC Berkeley
Katherina Hauner, Northwestern University
Chris Lawson, UW-Milwaukee
Kara Federmeier, University of Illinois
Thad Polk, University of Michigan
John O'Doherty, California Institute of Technology
Elizabeth Spelke, Harvard University
Gabriel Diaz, Assistant Professor
Michael J Proulx, University of Bath
Brian P Schmidt, UC Berkeley
Deborah Kelemen, Boston University
Avniel Ghuman, University of Pittsburgh
Merranda McLaughlin, research technician
Lorella Battelli, Harvard Medical School
Melanie Killen, University of Maryland
Thomas Palmeri, Vanderbilt University
Jeffrey Johnson, University of Missouri
Yuyan Luo, University of Missouri
Susana Chung, UC Berkeley
Alex Bowers, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Mass Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School
Krista Bond, Carnegie Mellon University
Neil Garrett, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Jacqueline Woolley, University of Texas
David J Lewkowicz, Northeastern University
Anna Papafragou, University of Delaware
Akira Omaki, University of Washington
Amanda Tarullo, Boston University
Dylan Gee, Yale University
Narges Afshordi, Harvard University
Kathryn Roecklein, University of Pittsburgh
Donna Bridge, Northwestern University
Jonathan F Kominsky, Harvard University
Beau Sievers, Dartmouth College
Thanasis Panorgias, New England College of Optometry
Vladimir Sloutsky, The Ohio State University
Virginia Tompkins, The Ohio State University
sarah banks, cleveland clinic
Stephen Sheinkopf, Brown University
Bart Farell, Syracuse University
Nicholas Minar, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Jane, University of Iowa
David Klahr, cmu
Erik Blaser, UMass Boston
James A Russell, Boston College
Geoffrey Boynton, University of Washington
Carmel Adie Levitan, Occidental College
Michael Sayette, University of Pittsburgh
Lea, University of Iowa
Alexis Elmore, University of Iowa
John Pezaris, Harvard Medical School
Naiqi Xiao, Princeton University
Alexandra Rosati, University of Michigan
Ella Striem-Amit, Harvard University
Noam Ringach, Stanford University
Jonathan Beier, University of Maryland, College Park
Maliki Ghossainy, The University of Texas
Makaela, Brigham & Women's Hospital
Jessica Dugan, Emory University
Rebecca Cutler, Vanderbilt University
Shaban Demirel, Legacy Health
Craig Smith, University of Michigan
Jason Haberman, Rhodes College
Leslie Rollins, Christopher Newport University
Chris Johnson, Dept of Ophthalmology, Univ of Iowa
Joao Guassi Moreira, University of California, Los Angeles
Leyre Castro, The University of Iowa
Chandan Vaidya, Georgetown University
Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University
Caglar Tas, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Christopher Bowd, Hamilton Glaucoma Center of the Shiley Eye Institute, UC San Diego
John Walker, Northwestern University
Christina Zhao, University of Washington
Janine kwapis, UC Irvine
Jane Childers, Trinity University
Anna Fisher, Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology
Christopher Monk, University of Michigan
Mitchell Brigell, Aerpio Therapeutics
Margaret O'Connell, University of Texas at Dallas
Wendy Suzuki, New York University
Elizabeth Redcay, University of Maryland
Melissa Farmer, Northwestern University
Danny Rahal, UCLA
Alice Adler, Schepens Eye Research Institute/ Massachusetts Eye & Ear
Donnah CANAVAN, Boston College
Michael J Kane, Dept of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Mingzhou Ding, University of Florida
Nathan Tardiff, University of Pennsylvania
Joseph Carroll, Medical College of Wisconsin
David Chester, Virginia Commonwealth University
Dan Denis, Harvard Medical School
Roberto Cabeza, Duke University
Inge-Marie Eigsti, University of Connecticut
ari bell, ucla
Kassandra Lee, Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard Med. School
Hayley Dorfman, Harvard University
Elissa Newport, Georgetown University
Emma Geller, UC San Diego
Rebecca Neel, University of Iowa
Michael A McDannald, Boston College
Zoe Liberman, University of California Santa Barbara
Krystel Huxlin, University of Rochester
Shu-Sha Guan, CSUN
Rhea Eskew, Northeastern University
Hyesung Grace Hwang, Washington University in St. Louis
Yoon Bai, UT Austin
Alan Leslie, Rutgers University
Tara Mandalaywala, New York University
Kelley Durkin, Vanderbilt University
C Shawn Green, University of Wisconsin
Garrett Swan, Schepens Eye Research Institute
Jennifer Hunter, University of Rochester
Qihong Lu, Princeton University
Jeffrey Taube, Dartmouth College
Laiah Factor, Indiana University
Adriana Galvan, UCLA
Tatiana Garcia-Meza, Virginia Tech
William Loftus, UCLA
Dan Levy, Harvard medical school
Richard T Born, Harvard Medical School
Laura Hennefield, Washington University School of Medicine
Miguel Eckstein, University of California Santa Barbra
Russell Epstein, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Bonawitz, Rutgers University - Newark
Matthew Carlson, Penn State University
McKell Carter, University of Colorado
Jenny Wang, JHU
Frank H Durgin, Swarthmore College
Celia P Litovsky, Johns Hopkins University
Bria Long, Stanford University
Bonny Donzella, University of Minnesota
Robert Shapley, New York Unversity
Assaf Harel, Wright State University
Niv Reggev, Harvard University
Dan Rowe, Marquette University
Katherine Karlsgodt, UCLA
Jason Fischer, Johns Hopkins University
Diane Reckziegel, Northwesten University
Ben Hutchinson, Northeastern University
Thomas Talavage, Purdue University
Surendra Maharjan, Bir Hospital
Bob McMurray, University of Iowa
Griffin Koch, University of Pittsburgh
Amanda Guyer, UC Davis
Kathryn Bonnen, University of Texas at Austin
Emily Patterson, Medical College of Wisconsin
Anne Moskowitz, Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Gislin Dagnelie, Johns Hopkins University
Jodi Weinstein, Stony Brook University
Elizabeth E O'Neal, University of Iowa
Brad Wyble, Penn State University
Paul Glimcher, New York University
Emily Kappenman, San Diego State University
Jason Snyder, University of British Columbia
Zsuzsa Kaldy, UMass Boston
Mike Tyszka, Caltech
Yuhong Jiang, University of Minnesota
Daniel Joyce, Stanford University
Benjamin Rottman, University of Pittsburgh
Kirsten Adam, University of Chicago
Dennis Levi, UC Berkeley
Xiaoping hu, University of California riverside
Steven Buck, Dept. of Psychology, University of Washington
Gary H Glover, Stanford University Radiology Dept.
Michaela DeBolt, UC Davis
Joy Geng, University of California Davis
Christopher Gomez, University of Chicago
Rachel Linderman, Medical College of Wisconsin Graduate School
William Graves, Rutgers University -- Newark
Dianna Murray-Close, UVM
Martin Lindquist, Johns Hopkins University
Aria Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
Carina Hahn, The University of Texas at Dallas
Gennady Erlikhman, University of Nevada, Reno
Roland Griffiths, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Liane Young, Boston College
Russell Jackson, University of Idaho
Cedric Cannard, CNRS
Denise Park, University of Texas at Dallas
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Duke University
Darlene Dartt, Harvard Medical School
Jun Hua, Johns Hopkins
Vilte Baliutaviciute, Schepens Eye Research Institute
Joel Quamme, Grand Valley State University
Yingqian Li, Schepens Eye Research Institute
nicole landi, University of Connecticut/ Haskins labs
Alexander L Francis, Purdue University
Trafton Drew, University of Utah
Anne Collins, UC Berkeley
Elissa Aminoff, Fordham University
Sharon Thompson-Schill, University of Pennsylvania
Yale Cohen, University of Pennsylvania
Mariel Kyger, UCLA
Delphine Dahan, University of Pennsylvania
Michelle Joyner, University of Michigan
Stephanie De Anda, University of Oregon
Eliana Colunga, University of Colorado Boulder
Raymond A Applegate, College of Optometry, University of Houston
Kelly Byrne, UC Berkeley
Aaron, Caltech
Beatriz Luna, University of Pittsburgh
Mahzarin Banaji, Harvard University
Mary Beth Nebel, Johns Hopkins University
Janice Chen, Johns Hopkins University
Alan Lewis, New England College of Optometry
Eve Isham, UC Davis
Rosa Lafer-Sousa, MIT
Summer Sheremata, Florida Atlantic University
Austin Marcus, Carnegie Mellon University
Marlene Meyer, University of Chicago
Maria Geffen, University of Pennsylvania
Margaret Friend, San Diego State University
Steve Haroz, Northwestern University
John Opfer, The Ohio State University
John Erik Vanston, University of Nevada, Reno
Jason Chein, Temple University
Dominic Cheng, Auburn University
Aude Oliva, MIT
Helene Intraub, University of Delaware
James Vernon Odom, West Virginia University
Joseph Kable, University of Pennsylvania
Keith Purpura, Weill Cornell Medicine
Daniel Crocker, Emerson College
Spencer Kelly, Colgate University
Marty Woldorff, Duke University
Jessica Turner, GSU
Taraz Lee, University of Michigan
Lucas C Parra, City University of New York
Stacey Humphries, University of Pennsylvania
Laurie Cutting, Self
STEPHEN BERRY, Miami University
Daniel Swingley, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Denise Jackson, Northeastern University
Mark VanDam, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University
Michael Platt, University of Pennsylvania
Susan Lutgendorf, University of Iowa
Pat O'Seaghdha, Lehigh University
Abigail Marsh, Georgetown University
Brenda Rapp, Johns Hopkins UNiversity
Dario Ringach, UCLA
Yolanda Colom, The University of Texas at Dallas
Khena Swallow, Cornell University
Matthew Hoptman, NYU School of Medicine
Dean Mobbs, Caltech
John Gore, Vanderbilt University
Bertrand Delgutte, Massachusetts Eye & Ear
Anne Fulton, Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Winrich Freiwald, The Rockefeller University
Antonio Rangel, California Institute of Technology
Emily Myers, University of Connecticut
Hannah R Snyder, Brandeis University
Ueli Rutishauser, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Paul Bottomley, Johns Hopkins University
Tytteli Turunen, Research fellow
Michael Epstein, GC CUNY
Victoria L Morgan, Vanderbilt University
Gregory Samanez-Larkin, Duke University
Timothy Allen, Florida International University
Mark W Miller, US Dept of Veterans Affairs
Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Benjamin Munson, University of Minnesota
Lindsay Bowman, University of California, Davis
Alex Martin, NIMH
Erica Karp, Northwestern University
Morten H Christiansen, Cornell University
Leslie Welch, Brown University
David P Corina PhD, Center for Mind and Brain, Univ. California, Davis
Elizabeth Norton, Northwestern University
Elise Piazza, Princeton University
Andrew Schaumberg, Cornell University
Manasmita Das, UNC Chapel Hill
Michael W Cole, Rutgers University
James Magnuson, University of Connecticut
Andrew, University of Delaware
Douglas Noll, University of Michigan
Michael Scott Worden, Brown University
Shaina Rowell, Washington University
Ken Paller, Northwestern University
Finnegan Calabro, University of Pittsburgh
Cherie Marvel, Johns Hopkins University
Matthew J Wright, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA
Phyllis Summerfelt, MCW
James McGaugh, University of California, Irvine
Anne Michelle Tessier, University of Michigan
Angela Gutchess, Brandeis University
Edward Hubbard, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Miriam Rosenberg-Lee, Rutgers University
Ravi Mill, Rutgers University
Joseph Perkell, Boston University, M.I.T.
Dolly Rojo, The University of Texas at Austin
Pascal Tétreault, University of Alberta
avi aizenman, UC Berkeley
Ozlem Ayduk, University of California, Berkeley
Stephen Hinshaw, University of California, Berkeley
Colin Camerer, Caltech
Heather Lynne Kosakowski, MIT
Paul Fillmore, Baylor University
Charles Perfetti, University of Pittsburgh
Benjamin Wolfe, MIT
Catarina Saiote, University of Minnesota
Russell L Margolis, Dept of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine
Matthew Hall, UMass Dartmouth, Psychology
Martha Farah, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Lorenc, UC Berkeley
Antoine Shahin, University of California
Amanda Bischoff-Grethe, UCSD
Zachariah Reagh, UC Davis
Stefan Leutgeb, University of California, San Diego
John K Hewitt, University of Colorado
R Alison Adcock, Duke University
Alyson Abel Mills, San Diego State University
Richrd Shiffrin, Indiana University
Morgan Parr, University of Iowa
Neil Woodward, VUMC
Ryan Vandrey, Johns Hopkins University
Bruce Berg, University of California Irvine
Carissa Cascio, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Rita Goldstein, Icahn school of medicine at mount Sinai
Michael Levine, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
Mary Sweeney, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Annie Umbricht, Johns Hopkins University
William Alaynick, NanoCellect Biomedical, Inc.
Jeremy Schwark, Exponent
Emily Sumner, University of California, Irvine
Leah Somerville, Harvard University
Andrew Leber, The Ohio State University
Douglas Schultz, Rutgers-Newark
Alice Cronin-Golomb, Boston University
Steven J Luck, University of California, Davis
Lucia M Vaina MD PhD, Boston University and Harvard Medical School
Tobias Egner, Duke University
chopin adrien, ucb
Emily Stern, icahn school of medicine at mount sinai
Elise Weerts, Johns Hopkins University
Daniel Simons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Juliet Davidow, Harvard University
Audrey Fan, Stanford University
Anna Shafer-Skelton, UC San Diego
Marc Sommer, Duke University
Reyna Gordon, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Francisco Xavier Castellanos, NYU School of Medicine
Michelle Kibby, SIU
Helana Girgis, Hartwick College
Dobromir Rahnev, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lee Miller, University of California, Davis
Drazen Prelec, MIT
Joseph Schmidt, University of Central Florida
Ahmad Hariri, Duke University
Miriam Vélez-Bermúdez, University of Iowa
Steven Weisberg, University of Pennsylvania
Vikram Chib, Johns Hopkins University
John Darrell Van Horn, USC Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute
Lucas Butler, University of Maryland
Daniela Schiller, Icahn School of Medicine
Tim Meese, Aston University, UK
Ivvy Tso, University of Michigan
Kristen Kennedy, University of Texas at Dallas
Audrey Duarte, Georgia Tech
Rose Scott, University of California Merced
Turhan Canli, Stony Brook University
Doris Tsao, Caltech
Naoshige Uchida, Harvard University
Karen Gamble, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Maheen Shermohammed, Harvard University
Joanne L Miller, Northeastern University
Michael S Gazzaniga, UCSB
Vincent Gracco, Haskins Laboratories
Ian Lyons, Georgetown University
Rao P Gullapalli, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore
Gail Musen, Joslin Diabetes Center
Jessica Uy, UCLA
Barbara Sarnecka, University of California - Irvine
Paul Garcia, assistant professor Emory / Atlanta VA
Dana Boebinger, Harvard University & MIT
Felipe De Brigard, Duke University
Haley Vlach, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Catherine Insel, Harvard University
Marian Berryhill, University of Nevada
Gail Rosenbaum, NYU
Jonathan Levitt, City College of New York
Isabel Gauthier, Vanderbilt University
Simon Lacey, Emory University
Danica Mijovic-Prelec, MIT
Lanya Tianhao Cai, SUNY College of Optometry
Emile Bruneau, University of Pennsylvania
Brennan R Payne, Assistant Professor of Cognition and Neural Science
Melissa Baese-Berk, University of Oregon
Natasha Tokowicz, University of Pittsburgh
Lisa Oakes, UC Davis
Anna Drummey, Villanova University
Leslie zebrowitz, Brandeis university
Erin Conwell, North Dakota State University
Carmen Westerberg, Texas State University
Paul Scotti, The Ohio State University
Christopher Giza, UCLA
Neal Morton, The University of Texas at Austin
Candace Fleischer, Emory University
Cynthia Fisher, University of Illinois
Emily H, Fordham University
Jeffrey C Zemla, University of Wisconsin Madison
Vanessa LoBue, Rutgers University
Gayle Dow, Christopher Newport University
Quan Lei, University of Minnesota
Sharon Noh, University of Texas at Austin
Jarrod Lewis-Peacock, University of Texas at Austin
Mark Does, Vanderbilt University
Reiko Graham, Texas State University
Peter Tse, Dartmouth College
Zheng Ma, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
Derek Pisner, University of Texas at Austin
Benjamin Golub, Harvard University
Grace Lin, University of California, Irvine
Jaime Castrellon, Duke University
Patricia Smiley, Pomona College
Jace King, United States
Todd Braver, Psychological & Brain Sciences Department, Washington University St. Louis
Krista Lisdahl, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ata Karagoz, University of Texas
Ronald L Cowan, Vanderbilt
Wendy Berry Mendes, UC San Francisco
Adam Aron, UC San Diego
Randolph Blake, Vanderbilt University
Virendra Mishra, Cleveland Clinic
Christine Curcio, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Geoffrey Woodman, Vanderbilt University
Teresa Schubert, Macquarie University
Eric Strain, independent
Amanda H, MIT
Tania Lombrozo, University of California, Berkeley
Rebecca Deason, Texas State University
Idan Blank, MIT
Cynthia Owsley, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Gregory Murphy, New York University
Paige Harden, University of Texas
Arthur Shapiro, American University
Andrew Young, Occidental College
Christopher McNorgan, University at Buffalo - SUNY
Sara Burke, University of Florida
Megan Papesh, Louisiana State University
Duje Tadin, University of Rochester
Rei Akaishi, University of Rochester
Chris Baker, NIH
Mary Peterson, University of Arizona
Leigh Nystrom, Princeton University
Patrick Mayo, Duke University
Sohee Park, Vanderbilt University
Vsevolod Gurevich, Vanderbilt University
Gordon Logan, Vanderbilt University
Jeff Johnson, North Dakota State University
Jonathan Nicholas, Columbia University
Albert Garcia-Romeu, Johns Hopkins Medicine
Gedeon Deak, Univ California, San Diego
Dick Dubbelde, George Washington University
Roger Levy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Heather, PhD student
Steve Most, UNSW Sydney
Susan C Bobb, Gordon College
Mark McCourt, North Dakota State University
Kateri McRae, University of Denver
Deborah Fein, University of Connecticut
Julie Markant, Tulane University
Natalie Brito, NYU
Edward Gibson, MIT
Stephen D Goldinger, Arizona State University
Gideon Paul Caplovitz, University of Nevada Reno
Matthew Lerner, Stony Brook University
Helen Tager-Flusberg, Boston University
Hrag Pailian, Harvard University
Thomas Toppino, Villanova University
Barry Giesbrecht, University of California Santa Barbara
Mason Hanson, University of California, Berkeley
Carrie Bearden, UCLA
Ramesh Srinivasan, University of California, Irvine
Johannes Burge, University of Pennsylvania
Charles Folk, Villanova University
Kim Steele, Johns Hopkins
Aaron Buss, University of Tennessee
Susan Tapert, UC San Diego
Timothy Verstynen, Carnegie Mellon University
Jack Carey, Ohio State
Akira Miyake, University of Colorado Boulder
Lillianna Marie Baczeski, The Ohio State University
Candice Stanfield-Wiswell, George Mason University
Xin Jin, Harvard University
Emily Cibelli, Northwestern University
Lori Holt, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven Greening, Louisiana State University
Karen Rodrigue, University of Texas at Dallas
Laurie Hunter, Christopher Newport University
Letitia Naigles, University of Connecticut
Susan Perlman, University of Pittsburgh
Kenneth Miller, Profesdor, Dept. of Neuroscience, Columbia University
Allison Yamanashi, UC Berkeley
Anna Kosovicheva, Northeastern University
Christine Coughlin, UT Austin
Mark Baxter, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Mauricio Delgado, Rutgers University
Fred Stoll, Mount Sinai
Holly, Virginia tech
Jack Loomis, University of California, Santa Barbara
Bruce C Hansen, Colgate University
Paula Pacheco, Princeton University
Falk Lieder, UC Berkeley
Patricia Brennan, Emory University
Laura Ligouri, Bates College
Todd Constable, Yale University
Carey Morewedge, Boston University
Jeroen van Boxtel, Monash University
Alexandra Weigand, VA San Diego Healthcare System
Gregory Berns, Emory University
Massimo Fazio, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Karen Seymour, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Michele A Baso, UCLA
Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania
James McClelland, Stanford University
Matt sullivan, Mr
April Schweinhart, PIRE
Stella Lourenco, Emory University
Daniel Puhlman, IUP
Philip Sandler, Retired
Jessica Cohen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jiefeng Jiang, Stanford University
Noah Haskell Silbert, University of Cincinnati
Ashley Thomas, University of California, Irvine
Scott Miller, University of Florida
Michael Crognale, University of Nevada, Reno
Jay Pillai, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine
Sara Jaffee, University of Pennsylvania
Andreana Benitez, Medical University of South Carolina
Elif Isbell, UNCG
Erika Wolf, Boston University School of Medicine
Corey Bohil, University of Central Florida
Michael Arcaro, Harvard Medical Schools
Barry Gibney, MUSC
Laura Germine, Harvard Medical School
Erika Forbes, University of Pittsburgh
Soojin Park, Johns Hopkins University
Yashar Ahmadian, University of Oregon
brian hare, Duke University
Aina Puce, Indiana University
Atsushi Takahashi, MIT
Kathy Zhang, Yale University
Sarah cohan, Harvard Medical School
Ben Sajdak, Medical College of Wisconsin
Nadia Chernyak, Boston College
Susan Carnell, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Briana Kennedy, University of Southern California
Joshua D Greene, Harvard University
Jeremy Gray, Knack, Inc
Tim Curran, University of Colorado Boulder
Joel L Steinberg, Virginia Commonwealth University
Scott Vrana, Virginia Commonwealth University
Terri Scott, Boston University
Jon Freeman, New York University
Robert Stout, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
Brian Scholl, Yale University
Fiery Cushman, Harvard University
Lauren Emberson, Princeton University
Kara Weisman, Stanford University
Mark Pinsk, Princeton University
Heather Urry, Tufts University
Erie Boorman, UC Davis
Carolyn Shivers, Virginia Tech
Frederick Barrett, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Jack Krieger, Georgia Tech, PhD 2017
James Mazer, Montana State University
Ryan Tibshirani, Carnegie Mellon University
Andrea Heberlein, Boston College
Godfrey Pearlson, Yale U SOM
Brice Kuhl, University of Oregon
Evan Gordon, VA VISN17 Center of Excellence for Research on Returning War Veterans
Brianna Pritchett, Georgia Tech
Debbie Thomas, None
Helen Mayberg, Emory University
Carine Maurer, NIH/NINDS
Elizabeth Race, Tufts University
Kenneth Vail, Cleveland State University
Lindsay Hunter, Princeton University
Cecile Ladouceur, University of Pittsburgh
Peter Whitehead, Duke University
John Henderson, University of California, Davis
Amira Ibrahim, University of Michigan
Andrea Weinstein, University of Pittsburgh
Pearl Chiu, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
Jean Decety, University of Chicago
Daniel N Klein, Stony Brook University
Anna Leshinskaya, University of Pennsylvania
Spencer Evans, Harvard University
Patrick Palmieri, Summa Health
Teri Burnett, Former NIH postdoc fellow
Kajsa Igelstrom, Princeton University
Meghan Caulfield, Lafayette College
David Ress, Baylor College of Medicine
Sylia Wilson, University of Minnesota
Zeynep Saygin, Ohio State University
Stephan Hamann, Emory University
Tobias Overath, Duke University
Rachel Narr, University of Virginia
Katie Burkhouse, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jessica Schleider, Harvard University
Catherine Hartley, New York University
Laurel J Buxbaum, Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute
Nelson Cowan, University of Missouri
Susan Ravizza, Michigan State University
Gabriel Elias, University of California Irvine
Evangelia Chrysikou, University of Kansas
Elizabeth Kensinger, Boston College
Jeff Sherman, University of California, Davis
Jay Myung, Ohio State University
Irwin D Waldman, Dept of Psychology, Emory University
robert Tibshirani, Stanford University
Maria Jalbrzikowski, University of Pittsburgh
Bonnie Spring PhD, Northwestern University
Robert hamm, Univ of oklahoma health sciences center
Stewart Shankman, University of Illinois at Chicago
Marc Lewis, The University of Texas at Austin
Seth Smith, Vanderbilt Medical Center
Jessica Saurman, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Julie Campbell, Illinois State University
Irene Kan, Villanova University
Harold Gouzoules, Professor & Chair, Department of Psychology, Emory University
Mark Nawrot, North Dakota State University
Ashley Watts, Emory University
Josh dubnau, Stony Brook university
Madeleine Hackney, Emory University
Rebecca A Lundwall, BYU
Olivia Pereira, Villanova University
Stephen Macknik, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Karen Wynn, Yale University
Stahn, University of Pennsylvania
CHRISTINA Bass, Research
Jamie Hanson, University of Pittsburgh
Julie Golomb, Ohio State University
Matthew Gallagher, University of Houston
Gerald Haeffel, University of Notre Dame
Lynne Reder, Carnegie Mellon University
Stephen Wilson, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Charles M Giattino, Duke University
Mikio Aoi, Princeton University
Deanna Barch, Washington University
Cynthia Myers, Iowa State University (retired)
Neil Patrick Jones, University of Pittsburgh
Fernanda Ferreira, University of California, Davis
Eli Peli, Harvard Medical School
Aldo Rosas, Supporter
Margo Monteith, Purdue University
Arielle Borovsky, Purdue University
Damian Stanley, Adelphi university
melissa ferguson, Cornell University
Joshua Brown, Indiana University
Mieke Verfaellie, Boston University
Gerald Davison, University of Southern California
Rachel Thompson, University of Alabama
Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Dartmouth College
Simon Fischer-Baum, Rice University
Jiangyang Zhang, New York University School of Medicine
Justin Wood, University of Southern California
Rebecca Brand, Villanova University
William Fabricius, Arizona State University
Michael Henry Tessler, Stanford
Benjamin Jee, Worcester State University
Sophie Bridgers, Stanford University
Kimberly Kirkpatrick, Kansas State University
Gaurav Patel, Columbia University
Antonieta Lavin, MUSC
David Smith, Temple University
Lisa Scott, University of Florida
Bonnie Sherman, Indiana University
Christopher R Agnew, Purdue University
Kent Kiehl, University of New Mexico
Cynthia Brenner, Bristol Community College
Eugene Borgida, University of Minnesota/Psychology
Jack Fletcher, University of Houston
Nima Dehghani, MIT
Jelena Krivokapic, University of Michigan
Mac Shine, Stanford University
Brittany Aguilar, Georgetown University
Alytia Levendosky, Michigan State University
Yaroslav Halchenko, Dartmouth College
Tim Vickery, University of Delaware
Tomas Aquino, California Institute of Technology
James Knierim, Johns Hopkins University
Igor Dolgov, New Mexico State University
Jeff Spielberg, University of Delaware
Roxane Cohen Silver, University of California, Irvine
Elizabeth Pantesco, Villanova University
Adam Buchwald, NYU
Daniel Wang, Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Sasen Cain, UC San Diego
Joshua Hartshorne, Boston College
Agnes Ly, University of Delaware
Kara Lowery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dominic Fareri, Adelphi University
Nicole Long, University of Oregon
Sandra Cress, Citizen
Qin Qin, Johns Hopkins University
Josh woolley, Ucsf
Divya Subramanian, Duke University
Gaelle Desbordes, Massachusetts General Hospital
Jan Brascamp, Michigan State University
Milton Strauss PhD, Case Western Reserve University
Rhonda Friedman, Georgetown University
Luke Chang, Dartmouth College
Yevgeny Botanov, Millersville University
Marsha Lovett, CMU
Theresa Desrochers, Brown University
Jeremy wilmer, Wellesley College
Chrystal, Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Na Yeon Kim, Princeton University
Hami, Kaiser Permanente
Mike Gerade, None
David Budescu, Fordham University
Ifat Levy, Yale University
M Saxena, John's Hopkins
Kyungmi Kim, Wesleyan University
Kelly Martin, Graduate student
Katherine Martucci, Stanford University
Ilona Kotlewska, Dartmouth College
David Dodell-Feder, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Rebecca Simons, prefer not to answer
Margaret Keane, Wellesley College
Ann Kring, University of California, Berkeley
Justin Hummer, Ph.D. candidate, clinical science
rae dubow, talking out loud
Marie Banich, University of Colorado Boulder
Erick Gallun, Dept of Veterans Affairs
Anne Germain, U Pittsburgh
Silvia Bunge, University of California at Berkeley
Kara Emery, University of Nevada, Reno
Stephen Flusberg, Purchase College, SUNY
Philip Rubin, Haskins Laboratories
Jessica Witt, Colorado State University
Shan Luo, Univ of Southern California
Simon J Cropper, University of Melbourne, Australia
Laura Castro, teacher and citizen
Thomas Yeo, National University of Singapore
Charles Geier, Pennsylvania State University
Jacqueline Snow, University of Nevada, Reno
Sunil Puria, HMS
Dima Ayyash, MIT
Patricia Reeder, Gustavus Adolphus College
David Russell Richie, University of Connecticut
Sarah Creem-Regehr, University of Utah
Jeffrey Yau, Baylor College of Medicine
Terrie Moffitt, duke university
Hannah Kalman, University of Houston
Tor Wager, University of Colorado
S Levi, NYU
Emily Ward, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Gary Lupyan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
J Bruce Overmier, University of Minnesota
Sam Nastase, Dartmouth College
David Baranger, Washington University in St Louis
Brian Wang, UC Berkeley
Mai-Ly Steers, University of Houston
Matt Dye, Rochester Institute of Technology
Lauren Bylsma, University of Pittsburgh
Rechele Brooks, University of Washington
Christopher Moore, Brown University
Jennifer Silvers, UCLA
Peter Sokol-Hessner, University of Denver
Ina Percival, Public Health
Sara Webb, University of Washington
Elizabeth A L Stine-Morrow, University of Illinois
John Desmond, John's Hopkins University
Martin Zettersten, University of Wisconsin-Madison
James Elliott, University of California Santa Barbara
Vincent van Veen, Diablo Valley College
Tanya Evans, Stanford University
Lauren Hecht, Gustavus Adolphus College
Daniel Lurie, University of California, Berkeley
Adam Greenberg, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Sarah Paterson, Dept Psychology, Temple University
Johan Lundstrom, Monell Chemical Senses Center
Jennifer Graham-Engeland, Penn State University
Scott McAuley, Angel City Press
Dylan Wagner, The Ohio State University
Mary MacLean, University of California Santa Barbara
Christine Liu, UC Berkeley
William Bentley, Washington University
Kendra Seaman, Duke University
Gleb Shumyatsky, Rutgers University
Clayton Mosher, Cedars-Sinai
Michael Evans, UCSF
Robert Chavez, University of Oregon
Sherry Pagoto, University of Connecticut
Kevin Miller, Princeton University
Randall Potts, None
Claire scavuzzo, University of alberta
Spencer Bujarski, UCLA
Natalia Vélez, Stanford University
Orin Harris, Northeastern Illinois University
julian fernandez, syracuse university
Professor Uri Hasson, Princeton University
Christine Payne, NYU
Solena Mednicoff, UC Irvine
Shabnam Hakimi, Duke University
Hakwan Lau, UCLA
Samuel D McDougle, Princeton University
Sam Pfaff, Prolynx LLC
Julien Besle, American University of Beirut
Randall O'Reilly, University of Colorado Boulder
Sandra Weintraub, Northwestern University
Tal Yarkoni, University of Texas at Austin
Jan Drugowitsch, Harvard Medical School
Michael Lombardo, University of Cyprus
Timothy J Pleskac, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Barbara Braams, Harvard
Jessica Andrews-Hanna, University of Arizona
Lars Kasper, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Mark Lescroart, UC Berkeley
Brian Junker, Carnegie Mellon University
Dara Ghahremani, UCLA
Harald Möller, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Roger Watt, University of Stirling
Danielle McNamara, Arizona State University
Hugh Garavan, University of Vermont
Pavla Francová, Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging (CAPI), Prague, Czech Repblic, Europe
Mathias Pessiglione, Inserm, France
Jay Edelman, The City College of New York
Gene Stoner, Salk Institute
Matthias Fritsche, Donders
Mark Greenlee, University of Regensburg
Elizabeth Blum, Unaffiliated
Naftali Raz, Wayne State University
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, BCBlab
Henry L Walters, Children's Hospital of Michigan
Gary Henderson, Self
Laura Niemi, Duke University
Claire Sergent, Université Paris Descartes
Marlene Oscar Berman, Boston University School of Medicine
Pamela Jackson, Radford University
Louis Shomette, Psychonomic Society
Brent Harris, Georgetown University
Peter Marshall, Temple University
Tom Beckers, KU Leuven
Jeremy Teman, UC Berkeley
Caspar M Schwiedrzik, European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen
Benedikt A Poser, Maastricht University
Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, University of Michigan
Leandro Siqueira Carvalho, University of Southern California`
Stuart Marcovitch, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
John S Werner, University of California, Davis Medical Center
Aaron Wong, MossRehab Research Institute
Katie Von Holzen, Université Paris Descartes
Mara Breen, Mount Holyoke College
Nan Genther, Quality and Outcomes
Christian Schunn, University of Pittsburgh
Lilla Zollei, MGH
Tamara Hershey, Washington University
Bradford Mahon, University of Rochester
Tamas Madl, University of Memphis
Harlan Fichtenholtz, Keene State College
(Signature list truncated due to size restraints. Please see a more complete list here.)
Relevant links:
- "Brain researchers in uproar over NIH clinical-trials policy" Nature 01-Sept-2017
- "Basic studies of how our brains work are now clinical trials, NIH says" Science 25-Aug-2017
- "Some scientists hate NIH’s new definition of a clinical trial. Here's why" Science 19-July-2017
- Letter to NIH from Dr. Daniel Yamins
- Letter to Dr. Collins from FABBS