Open Access at the University of Washington
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Adam B. signed
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Open Access is an alternative to the traditional closed, subscription-based journal system of scholarly communication. Open Access makes scholarly journal articles available online for free, often immediately upon publication and with little to no barriers for scholarly and educational re-use. One way to do this is through the use of an institutional repository, which institutions including Harvard, MIT, the UC system, and the NIH already support.
The University of Washington must join this movement. It should support its faculty and researchers in making their publications available online through a free, open, university-supported institutional repository.
We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, hereby endorse the establishment of an Open Access institutional repository policy at the University of Washington, because:
a) Open Access improves students' educational experience at the University of Washington. All students should have free and open access to as much of the scholarly record as possible, whether for assigned reading, research for a term paper, or literature review for a dissertation.
b) Open Access advances research. Open Access facilitates access to the latest studies, allowing researchers to be more productive and up-to-date on the work of their colleagues.
c) Open Access improves the visibility and impact of scholarship. Today's student is tomorrow's scholar. Recent studies suggest that Open Access articles are downloaded and cited more frequently than articles that are accessible only through subscription. Open Access fulfills researchers' professional responsibility to maximize the impact of their research.
We hereby call upon students, faculty, and staff to support an Open Access policy at the University of Washington.
By signing, we are voicing our support for and commitment to this policy.