Help Me Reach My Goal

Hello. Many of you may know my story. Within the last year I have lost around 120 pounds. My goal is to compete in bodybuilding. Training is extra hard for me due to my degenerative hip condition. With the help of my trainer Danny-J and support from so many in the fitness industry I am closer than I ever imagined to my competing goal. But there is a problem. Due to having been almost 300 pounds, I have a lot of loose skin, mostly in the stomach area. This will keep me off stage and end my dream. All my life I have been a person who never achieves his goals, this is one I must achieve. I am often called an inspiration. Well I feel I owe it to those I inspire and those who have helped me to, to reach my goal and get on stage. I take pride in inspiring others to get in shape. Plus the benefit of losing the skin will further improve my hip by making me carry less weight. This surgery will not be cheap though. I do not have money to pay for it. It was suggested I appeal to doctors or burn units to assist. I need your help. I started this petition at the suggestion of some others. To get people to sign it so I can show doctors how many people are supporting me in my goals and so they can see how good a story they can be part of. Plus once I achieve my goal, they will get lot's of free advertising because I can plug them in so many places. This may be my only chance. I will keep this petition untill my birthday on June 10th. So please sign and see if somehow this can help me. I want to make you all proud of me.