Support Ron Paul for President in 2012
Ty Percy 0

Support Ron Paul for President in 2012

21 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ty Percy 0 Comments
21 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The purpose of this petition is to show the GOP that Ron Paul has the unwavering backing of the American People. Ron Paul has shown throughout history that he is a man of integrity and conservative discipline. He is a true conservative and his record shows it. He has never taken a government junket. He does not participate in the lucrative Congressional Pension Program. He returns a portion of his annual Congressional Office Budget every year. He has never voted to raise taxes. He has never voted for an unbalanced budget. He has never voted to restrict gun ownership. He has never voted to raise Congressional Pay. He never voted to increase Executive Branch Power. He voted against regulating the Internet He voted against the Iraq War and warned us against going forward with an undeclared war. He voted against the un-patriotic so called Patriot Act. By signing this petition, I pledge to vote for Ron Paul even if he is not selected by the GOP as the Republican nominee. I will not let the media convince me that this is a do or die election and that any other candidate is a lesser of the evils to Barak Obama. This country is in economic self destruct mode and no candidate but Ron Paul can turn it around. No neo-con will receive my vote. Ron Paul has my vote for the Republican nomination, Independent nomination, or write in nomination no matter what.


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