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Help Boone Street Farm!!!

967 signers. Add your name now!
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967 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Who is Boone Street Farm, LLC? Boone Street Farm, LLC is an urban, community farm that has been providing fresh healthy food options and educational programming in the East Baltimore Midway community, since it was established in 2010.

What does Boone Street do for the community? Over the last five years, in direct repsonse to the community's stated needs, Boone Street Farm has:

  1. Renovated dozens of formerly overgrown and trash-strewn vacant lots in East Baltimore from disuse to serve a variety of purposes;
  2. Planted rows of organically-grown produce to be sold locally in the neighborhood as well as to other Baltimore consumers;
  3. Created “living classrooms” educational programming for neighborhood students in partnership with our local elementary school;
  4. Provided employment and job training for community members.

Has Boone Street been successful? Yes!! Because we provided services that the community members expressed they needed, the resources provided by Boone Street have been greatly supported and celebrated! Over the past five years we:

  1. Sold increasing amounts of fresh produce to community residents every year!
  2. Continued to serve 30+ Cecil Elementary school students who live in Midway and attend the garden club program!
  3. Have created part-time and seasonal employment for community members!
  4. Developed and are piloting a vocational training program this year involving paid high school internships and apprenticeships in sustainable agriculture and green landscaping.

What is the problem? Boone Street is currently under the threat of displacement by a current bid from an independent property developer to purchase 25% of our working land, which would halt production of the farm. Our goal is to purchase both the land and the surrounding houses, and to develop a plan with the community to design the most beneficial use of the spaces for all involved. Retaining the farm land and increasing the program's capacity to serve the neighborhood residents is their goal!

How can you help? Sign the petition!!! Please sign this petition in show of your support for keeping Boone Street Farm, LLC right where it is supposed to be--serving the community, from within the community!! Please include your zipcode, and share this link with all of your networks who care about the families in our city!

If you have any questions, or additional information or resources that you think may be helpful, please contact Cheryl Carmona at 860-917-35908 or Patrick Baron at 410-916-2112 or e-mail at

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