Please help me get another chance with their daughter.

I am aware that i have hurt the lives of many by my poor choices, i made many mistakes and thus i hurt an entire family. I wont use any names, i don't want to compromise anyone's identity. but I foolishly decided to have premarital sex with my girlfriend who is one year younger then me, not only that but i decided to provide her with marijuana. this was unlawful, unethical, and over all just a stupid mistake. and because of my stupid mistake i have damaged an entire family. once my girlfriends parents found out about this they forced her to change schools, and now i have no way of contacting her. i am not afraid to publicly speak my feelings, i am in love with this girl and i want to be with her for the rest of my life. i have tried apologizing, even begging with heart felt phone calls and text messages to this girls parents begging them to give me one last chance. i am deeply in love with this girl and i am willing to do anything to be with her once again, or at least to have the ability to talk with her. friends, family, anyone reading this, if you have felt a broken heart, or even just feel my pain. and you agree that i should be given one last chance please sign this petition. i am planning to get as many signatures as possible and show it to her parents to allow me one last chance, i don't know if it will work, but absolutely anything is worth a shot. i am in love with her, and i want to end her families pain, but most importantly her pain. i want to make her happy, and i cant help but feel that i have failed at my life's goal, which is to make this girl smile. because of MY mistakes, and no one else's, MINE. she was forced to change schools, block communications with me, and abandon all of her old friends. this is my fault and i want to make things right. i am now getting weekly drug tests, and i have made a promise to myself to be abstinent. thank you for all of your support. please find it in your heart to sign this petition, and give a reason why in the comment section. thank you so much.