One Team! One Goal! Together!

To the respective Boards, CEO's and management teams of the Parramatta Leagues Club Group, the Parramatta District Rugby League Club and the Parramatta National Rugby League Club,
Since the change to the Board of Directors of the PDRLC in December 2008 and subsequent change to the Board of the PLC in April 2009, there has been a consistent amount of change at both management and board level and as a result an increasing level of instability in the management of the aforementioned clubs. In this time we have seen 4 CEO's, 3 coaches and a number of Football Operations Managers come and go and this has co-incided with a level of performance of the NRL football team that has seen us repeatedly end up towards the bottom of the NRL ladder.
In addition, there has been on a consistent basis 'leaks' of club information to sections of the media that is portraying the club in a bad light and potentially impacting negatively on player recruitment, sponsorship, membership and game day attendance - all issues that we should be looking to strengthen and not further weaken.
Since the most recent elections for the Board of the PLC Group, this position has not improved and with two separate 'factions' controlling aspects of our club, is likely to worsen with ongoing in-fighting between Directors.
From the external view of the members and supporters of this great club, it appears that the current Directors of both Boards are focussed on firstly their own agendas and not the betterment of the club and the members that have elected them.
We the undersigned members and supporters of the Parramatta Eels now say "ENOUGH!"
We demand that as our elected representatives you focus on working TOGETHER to bring the pride that is missing back to OUR club and OUR team.
We demand that you immediately STOP THE LEAKS of information and mis-information that are bringing OUR club into disrepute in the press on a regular basis.
We demand that you cease the IN-FIGHTING and BACK-STABBING factional behaviour that is splitting OUR club down the middle.
We demand that you immediately REMOVE any personal agendas from the role you play in leading OUR club and that if you are unable to do so, that you REMOVE yourself from OUR club.
The Parramatta Eels can and will once again be the "Pride of the West" and a powerhouse in the NRL, however as the concerned members and supporters of this club we need you, the Directors and Managers appointed to achieve this goal to focus on being "ONE TEAM, with ONE GOAL - TOGETHER".
Thank You.