maria silvia 0

ONE OK ROCK in Romania

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One Ok Rock este o trupa japoneza de muzica rock,care s-a format in anul 2005. Membrii trupei sunt: Taka,Toru,Ryota si Tomoya. Alex a parasit trupa in anul 2009.

Trupa are o varietate de single-luri care au intrat in topurile Oricon si cantecele lor au castigat treptat popularitate online,propulsandu-i ca fiind unii dintre cei mai promitatori artisti de muzica rock din Asia.
Trupa a lansat primul dublu A-side single: ,,Re:make/No scared" pe 20 iulie 2011,acesta din urma fiind cantecul temei principale al jocului video Black Rock Shooter.
Eu imi doresc foarte mult ca One Ok Rock sa vina in Romania,in special in Bucuresti. Ce pot spune,daca ne intoarcem acum 3-4 ani si vom spune One Ok Rock,numai pe greieri ii vom auzi. Dar daca spunem acum in 2013 One Ok Rock vom auzi tipetele fanilor strigandu-le numele. Nu ar trebui sa ne miram pentru ca ei sunt recunoscuti in intreaga lume.
Asa ca daca v-am convins,va rog frumos sa semnati petitia. Va multumesc.

One Ok Rock is a Japanese rock band formed in 2005,composed of Taka,Toru,Ryota and Tomoya,Alex left the group in 2009.
The band had various singles that entered the Oricon charts and their songs are gradually gaining popularity online,catapulting them as one of the most promising rock artists in Asia.
The band released their first double A-side single: ,,Re:make/No scared" on July 20,2011 the later song being the main theme for the Black Rock Shooter: The Game video game.
I really wish that One Ok Rock could come in Romania,especially in Bucharest. What can I say,if we go back 3 or 4 years ago,call out the name ,,One Ok Rock" and nothing but the sound of crickets bounce back to you,but if we say now in 2013 ,,One Ok Rock" we will hear a boom as fans scream their name. We shoudn't wonder,because they are known around the world.
So,if I had convinced you,please sign the petition. Thank you.

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