One Last Summer at Camp Winding River
We, the Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast, are requesting that GSWISE council allow us the opportunity to hold our community day camps one last time this summer (2021) at Camp Winding River. This camp holds a very special place in the hearts of so many girls, spanning generations in this area. To hear the very sudden news of the camp's closure was heartbreaking to say the least, but also puts our dedicated camp directors in the very difficult position of planning for an entirely new location within a very limited timeframe. Therefore, in the spirit of upholding Girl Scout traditions, we are asking GSWISE to allow us one more year to make new friends and new memories at Camp Winding River, and to have the chance to say goodbye to what has become a second home to so many Girl Scouts. Please help show what being a sister to EVERY Girl Scout means by signing this petition and letting council know what Camp Winding River means to you. Please help spread the word and share! (We are seeking only signatures and comments, no donations please).